Monday Round Up

Today has been a dull grey and gentle autumn day with rain, not hard and fast, but rain the soaking kind that does much good. I have been hurting today and not firing on all cylinders so a slower day has been necessary. When it rains this is how I tend to get as my muscles stiffen and hurt. The rain is much needed for the ground and water supplies though. Meant to get heavier towards evening here, and some is forecast for tomorrow but lighter percentages. 

As suspected today has turned into a day where I am preparing for setting too and doing a few hours of ironing.  I have been putting stuff away as well where I can. Tonight's tea is already organised and prepared.  We are having Pizza with various toppings which works out quite easy in view of what I have to do on the ironing front or at least make a start on.  This fits in well with the schedule.

The washing machine is on in readiness for clearing a couple of loads which hopefully I will be able to get out and on the line to dry tomorrow. Rain is forecast but more light showers than anything else and potentially pockets for drying in between. So will see what we shall see.

Therefore a day of gentle action, with the smoothing iron, getting everything nicely crease free and smartened up is planned and hung to air.  Then everything can be popped away.

The Reality:

In the end a lot of the day has involved tidying in order for me to create enough space to tackle the big pile of ironing.  As a result, of me cooking tea from scratch as well, I have really played tidy up on all fronts today.  I am making a considered effort to get the washing up done and out of the way after a meal.  Yes I do have a dish washer, but I will not put it on for a few pots, and if there are only a few bits then I tend to get them out of the way with quickly and by hand.  Not everything is dishwasher safe in any event and there are certain items that just do not go in there.

Tea was delicious and G had Tomato sauce, onion, Mozarella, Jalapeno, Mushrooms, Anchovies, Pepperoni on his pizza.  I had Tomato sauce, onion, Mozarella, Italian fine sliced Ham (delicious), and Pineapple.  All washed down with a glass of Pepsi Max, and a some ice cream for afters.  A proper Pizza night and it was very tasty.  Not good for the waistline, but very good comfort food a good healing balm for the soul!

In the event I could not eat all my Pizza, so it has been saved to snack on tomorrow.  Wrapped up and in the fridge.  Too many good ingredients on and it was tasty and I am not into wasting stuff if I can help it.

G's Pizza all prepped up and ready to cook

The Cooked version

My Pizza

The Cooked version

I am all set and ready to go after breakfast has been sorted out and washing up done tomorrow.  Will potentially be most of the day with the ironing, which will be repeated until it has all been done.  Have no idea how long this is going to take.  It does need doing though and I really must get into full swing with this.   This ironing, by its very nature after it has been done will need putting away after airing, and so I will have to fight my way into the bedroom to get various areas sorted out for the clothes storage and so it will necessitate quite a bit of bedroom sorting as well. When we do anything here there always tends to be quite a bit of overlap. I am hoping to really get to grips with this.

There are outline plans to go away to the caravan a bit later on as well so everything needs to be sorted before that event happens.  Not sure when this will be though at the moment.  Probably Octoberish. Our caravan does have heating and is double glazed.  It will be good to have a change of scenery and be in a place that I absolutely love. I want to try and visit some of the more "Spiritual" sites this time around.

I have already started with Scribbled Lists in preparation to keep my mind focused.  I have started writing a check list for stuff to take to the caravan.  As I get things sorted they will be packed in readiness to go to the van, and checked off the list.

Outline lists have also been written for the Bathroom, Kitchen, Pantry, Back Hallway/Backdoor area, Dining room. Fireside Cupboard, the Under-stairs cupboard and Hallway. I will make lists for the Front room, Front bedroom, Back bedroom and the Study/Computer/Craft room in due course.  Some of the stuff already on those lists has already been accomplished but it also contains plans, thoughts ideas on what needs to be done to finish each room.  The past few weeks we have moved forward with one or two bits quite rapidly for which I am grateful for. Perhaps as usual I am aiming for the Moon (I was always "Star-struck" like the Hare)! Hopefully in the weeks to come the achievements will increase and more will get done.

This week's focus though is the washing and the ironing.  By the time this is all sorted I will be ready to go outside for a while and perhaps attack the gardens.  Rubbish needs to be taken to the dump, then the front garden can be tidied up.  The rubbish from the back garden also needs to go at the same time.  I can then concentrate on the back garden and getting that cleared and dug.

So there is a lot to do. I also want to do some foraging as well. I may not post everyday this week.  There are a couple of posts that will be coming that are being fine-tuned although not quite completed so there will be posts this week, probably not every night though.

Lets see what I can achieve this week.

Catch you soon.




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