Not Much to report today

Apart from the fact that I have done some ironing.  Yay.  

Needless to say still loads to do though.

This morning started off bright and early.  G got his normal cooked breakfast consisting of Bacon, Farm Eggs, White Hogs Pudding, fried yellow pepper, fried cherry tomatoes, fried mushrooms with bread and butter.  He never left a bit.

Later, this afternoon we walked the dog for a little while. This was in response to a howling session from madam.  She has been keeping her beady eye on me all day and has been a bit clingy.  As I have already mentioned, I am hoping to get her down to the sea side soon, so that she can have a little bit of a paddle out of season.  She absolutely loves the sand and the beach.  She is not sure about the waves, but it is funny to watch her.  I noticed whilst we were walking that the Blackberries are more or less gone but I will go up one day and see if I can find any Rowan berries, Sloes, Crab apples and Rosehips.  If the weather is good might go on Friday will see how things play out.

A reasonable amount of ironing accomplished, but I need to down tools now and go into the bedroom and clear a bit of space so that I can get items back into their storage and be able to access them easily afterwards so that may happen tomorrow morning.  I will do more ironing once I have sorted things in there a bit more.  I have a bag of coat hangers in there as well which I need out for the ironing.  It looks as though I am going to be ironing for most of the week although I am determined to get out for a forage.

It has really thrown me losing the veg shop as you bought whatever quantity of veg you wanted as most stuff was unpackaged. I am so sorry for them as well. I had planned on doing a load of preserving at the end of the month so am going to have to source somewhere else or go on trips out of town to try and locate what I am after.  Something will turn up it always does!

However, I have made my mind up that at the end of the month I am buying in a couple of nets of onions.  One net will be turned into French Onion Soup for the Pantry shelf. The other for general use. This will be a handy one for us to have on the Pantry shelf.  Then I shall probably see if I can source some boxes of tomatoes, do Pasta sauce that sort of thing, Potatoes, carrots and so on, so that I can get some very useful items in-house to cover all eventualities. I also want to make some sweet pepper jelly, Chilli jelly, sweet and sour chilli sauce.  Next year is going to be very different.

Life is changing again.  In the past couple of years we have lost many neighbours that we have lived alongside for many years.  Quite a few went - moved out of the area to different and better housing whilst we had our extended holiday down in Cornwall for nearly three months in 2022.  Fingers crossed that one day we will be able to move too.  I think will need some divine intervention there though.

In the meantime, I am trying to keep busy and occupied.  It is just the depth that varies.

Tea tonight has been Sirloin steak, fried onions and home made thick cut full fat proper Chips served with bread and butter.  Gone down very nicely.  We have not had steak for quite sometime, and it was very much a treat.  Most of our treats these days tend to be food related.

Now very full.

Tomorrow we have plans to have a full roast chicken dinner with veggies.  I have some Runner beans, a little mashed potato, Broccoli, carrots, peas, and will do a few Roasties as well. That should do us.  I will do a duplicate meal for Friday night and as it is a robust chicken and looks as though it has a lot of meat on it, there could well be a stir fry and a stew out of it as well as stock for bottling for the Pantry shelf.

I also have Quiche to make, a Broccoli and Blue Cheese soup, and a Pea, Ham and Mint soup which will probably make on Saturday and store in the fridge to grab when we fancy some.  There is also enough stuff to make another pizza or two as well.  So plenty to go at.

Right am off to put my feet up.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. If you are thinking about moving do not leave it too long. As you know we moved in February, I have still not got over it 7 months later. I know Edwin and I quite a bit older than you. The longer you are in a place the worse it is, our previous move was from a house to a bungalow, we had to recycle a lot of things this time too.

    1. Hi Anne, apologies for not coming back sooner been a bit manic. We were only supposed to be here two years and 37 years later. The hope is that we will liberate ourselves from here one day. Have to have hope. Gives you a base line to work from. Sometimes cannot do what we want to do when we want to, but usually works itself out longtime. In the interim I am plugging away at things. Take care and say hello to Edwin from me xx


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