Today has been an interesting one

Where a little progress has been made.  Every little helps.  G started off by setting too and trying to sort out the Light in the kitchen.  He sorted the ceiling out and the Light fitting was moved up another foot to where it was.  He has that all in situ.  Then as a Tag Team he was up the ladder trying to get the light to work and switch off and on.  State of play after a morning at having a go at it, is currently that the light is on but it will not switch off despite putting new light switches on both switch blocks.  I was under the stairs switching electric on and off as required so that he could try and get it working correctly.  State of play at the moment is that it is on but will not switch off.  He has gone back to the drawing board on this.  It will be something daft it always is.  He is currently researching and has his thinking cap on.  Must say credit where credit is due he has done a good job thus far; the cherry on the cake would be if it worked! Old house. Nothing is ever straightforward with an old house.  One job leads to another. Light fitting has been up many years as well, until we have just replaced it.

Otherwise not much has been done.  I have been researching some recipes.  My work will start again tomorrow.  Hopefully there will be a few food related posts coming up later this week.  They have been a bit lacking recently.

Now that it is September it is time to start thinking about making preserves predominantly for the Christmas table. September is the month where a lot of people put up preserves of many different kinds. Me, I am running true to form thinking of Christmas and what I want to "Squirrel away" for this Christmas as well as trying to make and preserve lots of other different bits and bobs as well.

I am thinking that Christmas cake needs to be made as do the puddings and Mincemeat. Therefore in the first instance need to assemble new fruit. I shall use any older dried fruit in the Mincemeat making together with lots of other little bits and bobs.  That is most definitely needed for Mince Pies.  New fruit though needed for all the fruit cakes and puddings.  In reality it is more likely to be the end of the month when I set too and make the Christmas cake and the puddings as I have a few things to make and put in place before then.

Right have things to do.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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