Outline Meal Plan for the week


Breakfast: G a full English and I had a bowl of Simply Ella Granola which I quite like, together with some of my Hemp powder and milk together with a little natural yogurt.

Main Meal: Full roast chicken with homemade sage and onion stuffing.  I made the lot, breadcrumbs, and the stuffing mix. Came up very well. Served with homemade bread sauce, broccoli, peas, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, mashed potato and mixed roasties of onion, potato and sweet potato with lashings of gravy.  Went down very well indeed.  We have a duplicate evening meal for tomorrow planned.


Breakfast: G a small fry up today compared to yesterday.  I had a bowl of granola again.

Evening Meal: A homemade Prawn Cocktail on a bed of lettuce leaves.  We have different tastes when it comes to salad which is usually reflected in the salad mixes we have.  Otherwise, Duplicate of last night's meal.

And the main event:



Brunch: The Pasty delivery arrived and we therefore had the Sausage rolls were warmed up for mid-day and went down very nicely indeed with a cup of tea.  Nothing wrong with them it is just when we have sausage rolls I usually make them with a good quality sausage and these are reminiscent of the sausage rolls that you would buy from the likes of Greggs.  They come as a bonus really to the Pasties which are delicious and full of proper Beef Skirt.

Main Meal:  If they arrive in time the Cornish pasties are on the agenda for tea tonight.  

They arrived mid-morning and so Pasties for tea.  Proper grub from the Proper Pasty company. Proper comfort food for cold weather.


Breakfast: Full English for G.  Cereal and a Croissant for me.

Main Meal: I have some sausages to use up and therefore it is Toad in the Hole, carrots, mashed potato and broccoli.  Followed by homemade Bread and Butter Pudding.


Breakfast: G Bacon and Toast.  Oatibix and Hemp powder with milk and a little yogurt.

Main Meal: Gammon steaks with pineapple. Pudding Creme Caramel.


Breakfast: G Full Fry. Granola for me.

Main Meal: Homemade take on a hot dog served with onions and ketchup.  Pudding Fruit and Cream.


Breakfast:  G Bacon and Mushroom Toasties.  Granola for me.

Main Meal: Steak, salad, chips with fried mushrooms and onions.


Breakfast: G fried egg, bacon, mushrooms and sausage.  Blueberry Pancakes for me.

Main Meal: Roast Pork and veggies. Egg Custard for pudding.

That will do for now.  However might be changed up a bit somewhere down the line.

Just a note G chooses to have a fried breakfast of a morning.  I am not forcing him too and would much rather that he had cereal somewhere along the line.  However, it would not do if we were all the same.

At least I have an outline of what I am working with for this week which always helps.

Catch you soon.




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