Sorry to be absent

 I had not intended this, unfortunately I have not been very well for the past couple of days which have resulted in me crashing out and sleeping, having no energy, and generally feeling really off as though I was going to pass out. I think have been fighting a chill/cold and then to top it all succumbed to tooth ache.  Tooth ache is now under control but I am going to have to go to the Dentist.  Not a favourite activity.  As a result of which, I was of the opinion that today was Saturday and I appear to have lost a day.  Very odd!

In any event, I feel brighter than I have done for a long time, however it is early days yet.

I am trying to up my game when it comes to my own health in any event.  The Hemp powder that I am adding to my cereal of a morning is certainly helping me and I know if I have not had it.  That is therefore a positive.  

I am going to be looking at our diet however.  G's natural inclination is for greasy fried foods which I do not often have as they make me ill.  He has got to get off of these and I am going to be researching a more balanced diet for him.  I do not think he is going to like this at all.  More salads, more veggies, leaner meat.  Hopefully we will both lose a little weight in the process.  That by its very nature means that there will be a few recipes to test.

More fruit needs to go into our diets especially for me.  I also plan to bottle up some new batches of stock (various ones) for use in cooking as well as more vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, swede, sweet potato in jars on their own as well as mixed jars such as swede, potato and carrot to be able to make pasties in a hurry. I already process tomatoes and lots of other items.  More soup needs to go on the agenda as well.  

Am going to sort out in the next couple of weeks as I am also going to get into a better routine with the cooking and household tasks so that I can make a few more things than I have been able to accomplish of late (bearing in mind energy levels). Indeed they have been very off and it needs addressing. There will be meals that may be a bit "iffy", but I am of the opinion that everything in moderation does not do any harm at the end of the day. Geoff's idea of a diet and mine do not quite correlate.

A bit of a change up to the menu:

Today for a change, we have had a Turkey and Beef salad which has made a refreshing change.

Tomorrow we have the Beef and Chutney melts to be served with the Lamb Tray bake.  I have a Melon to use up and so that will be for pudding.

I have also started at long last the washing mountain that did not get dealt with last year.  It is not grubby but a tad dusty and so will wash it to freshen it up and then sort out what I want to keep and the rest will probably go to the CS.  My new ironing board cover arrived and also my starch and so I am in a position to progress a little bit more.  More on that in another post though.

I hope everything is okay with you all and will get back to posting and replying to emails in the next few days or so.

Keep safe and keep warm.

Catch you soon.




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