A Dismal Day turns into a Sunny evening

 I have been really cold today and I have been slightly stiff as a result and have wrapped up warmly in a fleece top.  It has been overcast and grey for the best part of the day and mid-afternoon about 3:00pm it started to warm up and we have now had a lovely evening, with blue skies and the Sun is still out.  The promise of good weather to come I hope so and being able to get outside things done and also being able to work into the evening if necessary outside.  Later on it turned chilly again, and I was glad to close the doors and batten down the hatches.  I do not do cold very well.

We have had a look at the weather forecast thus far this week and from Wednesday we should be seeing temperatures from 17 degrees upwards with lows of 6 to 7 which is much better.  I hope so as I need to make a concerted effort in the garden.  I want the main part of the garden tackled this time around and so it is going to be a thorough bottoming out.  Even the small stone shed is marked for a good sort out as well.  Fortunately I have some heavy duty gloves to hand to tackle things head on.  I also need to look at the greenhouses as I think they need moving a little bit to where they are so that can get down into the forest!

I have been dealing with the washing today.  Still a load more to do, but if the weather stays good will be able to get it out on the line; earlier today that was not a possibility. The line needs replacing and extending so hopefully that will get done so that I can finally move the drying outside.  I am old fashioned in that I have a proper line; I personally find it better for sheets, duvets, duvet covers and blankets and quilts in getting them dry. I find the rotary lines a little restrictive although they are not bad just for clothes. The laundry smells so much fresher after being line and air dried.

The first of my Strawberry plants have also arrived and so I will pot them up in pots to start with and pop into the greenhouse, tomorrow and grow them on a little bit to bring them up to a bigger size.   They are organic plants.

I have been pottering in the house again today and am likely to be doing this on and off all week.  Will do a round up at the end of the week as I am more inclined to using the time to do things at the moment, if you will bear with me just until I get this tranche of sorting out concluded.

I also need to go and do some shopping this week for basics which we are starting to run out of.  I am also hoping to get some Pansies/Violas/Heartsease bedding plants as well.  I have plans and need about four trays to start with.  Will see what we can find.

A quieter day therefore all round.  Will see what the rest of the week brings.

Catch you soon.




  1. I'm itching to get out there and get busy. Even when we have had sun lately there has been a biting wind and everywhere is really wet.


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