Menu for Sunday

I have planned a cooked breakfast for Sunday morning for myself and other half. A little while back I bought some proper oak smoked kippers and they have been in the freezer since, and being as I am starting to clear the freezer so that I can clean it out and re-stock, I thought it would be good to have a kipper each with bread and butter and then a piece of melon and a cup/mugs of tea to wash it all down with. I have an early start being as it is Mothering Sunday in that I am going to see my Mum as she is going to lunch with my brother and his family. They have arranged to pick her up after the Grand Prix - and my OH wants to watch the Grand Prix also so that means an early visit to my dear Mum.

Proposed Menu for today


Poached Kipper served with bread and butter
Melon with Ginger
Mugs of Tea

Sandwich when we get back mid-dayish with more tea

Sunday Lunch
Roast chicken with mixed herb butter
Roast Shallots
Roast Parsnip, potatoes sweet potato
Cauliflower Cheese
Mashed Potato
Carrots and Cauliflower

Served with Goosebery Fool for afters.

Well that's the idea anyway


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