Flavoured Butters - Basic Herb Butter Recipe

Its the simple things that really finish a meal off, things like gravy and mashed potato; things that are common to a lot of dishes but which we all take for granted.

I love flavoured butters with food - they add a certain a different element of flavour to anything that they are used with and it certainly helps perk up food during the long winter months.  So if you have a herb garden or just odd pots of herbs growing then its worth making some of these butters and putting them into the freezer. Examples of this are mint butter for use with peas a dill butter with fish like salmon or parsley butter for potatoes. Tarragon is particularly nice with Chicken:

Makes approximately 6 ozs

175g/6oz butter at room temperature
4 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs i.e. chives,tarragon, mint, fennel, parsley either individually or a selection of your choice
Salt and pepper

Blend the butter, and your herb or herbs in a mortar and pestle or food processor.  If serving at a dinner party freeze into Ramekins, in order that you can place on the table and let people help themselves.  Alternatively spread onto greasproof paper and form a roll, wrap and pop into the freezer.  When ready to use, cut off the amount you want or slice and serve as required.

Enjoy experimenting; just because its become common practice to have a set condiment with a set meal, shake up the changes and try them with different things.  Once upon a time most people would only eat yorkshire pud with roast beef; that doesn't tally in this household I serve yorkshire pud with lots of things.  Its even nice with jam and butter.


  1. Ooooh, nice suggestions...think I'll have to write this one down (still haven't located the printer cable since moving ;)


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