Tinky (Official name Clover)

Double tragedy today, Tinky who we thought would well go before ther others as she hasn't been too clever for a while due to old age has also passed to the summerlands.  She too has passed in her sleep, I sat with her as she passed and prior to that she was calling to me, she  knew I was there, jusst didn't stir.  I think the final straw for her was seeing her adversary Poppy go this morning.  Poppy used to get bad tempered with Tinky, but really they were family despite the occasional spats.

The above photo is one of my favourites of this most loving of cats who was ferrel when she came home to live with us - that was some 23 years ago when she was a kitten.  We thought she was black when she came as she had been living in some tyres, and gradually she cleaned up to black and white.

I shall miss both my girls dreadfully as over the years they have been very good company, very affectionate and always a comfort when I was sad.  But at least both of them are now at peace and together in the summerland playlands.

RIP Poppy and Tinky


  1. This is so sad Tricia, it's bad enough to lose one friend but two in a weekend! At least both had had long lives a good part of which was in a happy, loving environment.

  2. Dear Tricia,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost not just one but two of your dear cats. They bring such joy into our lives and it is always sad to lose a much loved fur baby.
    I know it will comfort you to know that they are at peace together.
    Thinking of you.
    With love,
    Hannah x

  3. So sad to read of your loss of both Tinky & Poppy =(

    My thoughts are with you *H*

  4. Thank you for your kind words and support it is much appreciated. Miss them both dreadfully and Squeak my other female has taken to hanging out with me a bit more than she used to. Tyson is off out and about most of the time and Squeak is the youngest at 4 1/2 5 years.

    Thank you


  5. My heart goes out to you and the loved ones they left behind. You've certainly done a wonderful thing in giving them a loving life...and a long one! 23 years!? My goodness, a lot of love in 23 years. Hugs for you, dearest Tricia. Stay well and honor their memories :)

  6. Tricia, two lost is so awful, sending huge hugs, and lots of love. They both had wonderfully long lives in your care, they were lucky ladies to have found you.

    Leanne x

  7. I'm so sad for you that you have lost two of your dearest pets so close together. My heart goes out to you.
    Rose H


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