Lots to do little time to do it

Busy days again in the Pattypan household.  The Cherry tree in the garden is laden with cherry blossom again which speaks of a possible heavy crop of cherries. That is if I get to them before the Pigeons do.  So I need to start shifting things out of the freezer to make space and as I have a load of cherries yet to use up it looks as though I could well be scrabbling around for interesting uses for them.  I could well end up using some in jam, and wines as well as puddings, but there is an ulterior reason as I also need to get the freezer defrosted and cleaned out ready for filling up again.  The never ending seasonal chores and their familiarity in carrying them out add to a sense of fragile security  to the storecupboard with at least a promise of  meals to come.  Needless to say nothing will go to waste.    The wild plums that we gathered so many of last year also have a lot of blossom and I want to make use of anything that comes my way whether that be a freebie from natures larder or a bargain buy from the veggie shop.  Time in many respects to bring the belt in another notch or so.

I wondered round Marks and Spencers food section at dinner time - they had lots of lovely things - things that I cannot afford to buy at the moment but with a bit of planning and time I can make them myself.  In fact I intend to get myself better organised and have a baking day every so often as well as plan a meals schedule for during the week. That is something that I am not used to doing, but organised we are going to be eventually. The baking day would include making goodies for the freezer too i.e. main meals that can be readily frozen down but I need that freezer sorting fast.  For example I am getting ready for another sack of potatoes and the few I have left  rather than wasting them I will cook and mash and then freeze the mash down ready for use during the week.  Alternatively  I will use to top a cottage pie, or Shepherd's pie with lots of grated cheese on the top frozen down in metal freezer trays. (I get mine from the £ shop).  This means you eat well during the middle of the week too and have tea done fairly quickly when time is of the essence.  Cornish/Pasties, vegetable pasties, cheese and onion pasties are also good to makeThey are equally good as part of a meal or as a snack for when you are on the run so really will do double duty.

Will catch up soon

Take care until then



  1. The thought of all those cherries have made my mouth water! I still have last years raspberry crop in the freezer - I really must make some jam with them.

  2. Sounds like Spring cleaning time! The cherries sound yuuummmyyyyy :) Take care...

  3. Hi Elizabeth and Rose

    The cherry tree last year went mad and we actually got the crop. Well over 40lb in weight. I am going to make some cherry wine with some of the cherries - a particular favourite in this household, along with some orange wine and ginger wine. With the rest will probably do some cherry pie for OH as it is one of his favourites.

    Take care




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