Morning Peeps

What a beautiful morning it is here today the sun is shining, the birds have been singing since well early, but best of all its a different day - a blank page on which to write a different script - and best of all I had a good nights sleep.  I get cranky when I am tired.  Many apols.

The washings out  (don't like putting it out on a Sunday but I am taking advantage of the free drying) and I have been pottering in the herb border again; there's a gentle breeze at the moment its pleasant and quiet for in town.  I am enjoying the peace and quiet and just being breathing.  Relishing the peacefulness that restores the inner me and brings calm to stormy waters. Reelaxing..... Ah.  Would rather it was in the countryside as it is so much quieter than the town, but hey one day.  At least I am going to my mum's back to the village that I grew up in which although much bigger is still intrinsically very much a village.  Its strange really but we get out of town just before entering one of the bigger villages and I feel as though I am casting something aside, and something releases me. 

I have decided that I am going to ask the Doctor if he will let me learn to drive this year; it would help me get out and about under my own steam without having to rely on others and allow me the freedom to choose spontaneously rather than having to plan things in advance and as I want to live in a village  one day (more preferably a hamlet) there may well not be a bus service or transport available, so practicality on many different counts dictates that this is sensible, however it is dependent upon my Doctor.  It would be lovely to have my independence.  Will have to wait and see pipe dreams at the moment.

The Lilac is out, in full bloom and looking lovely.  My mum loves lilac and so I am going to pick a big bunch for her - it smells so delicious. Apparently my grandmother used to love Lilac too.  Something so simple, a  bloom that links the generations.

Will have to get on  - have a lovely day wherever you are and I will play catchup again soon.




  1. Good morning to you too! It's lovely here as well. I've just finished cooking hubby a late breakfast/brunch and I'm off to clear away in a mo.
    Hope the doctor will let you learn to drive - fingers crossed for you,you're quite right it WOULD make such a difference to your life.
    Enjoy your day - ~I'm off to a garden centre as I need some new canes.


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