Forage at the Charity Shop

I nipped out for a while earlier on as the house was doing my head in and needed some space or should I say being cooped up was doing in my head in.

I therefore nipped to my local Charity shop the one I don't usually get chance to go to.  There were several nice things but on the practical side I had nowhere to put them, but one thing did catch my eye a long enamel loaf tin which will do very nicely for when I make the yogurt and blackberry swirl ice cream for the Christmas Larder,  or the rich chocolate and chestnut mousse.gateaux but equally can be used for making pate, or making bread, or baking tea breads or cakes in.  I bought it for the princely sum of £2.50.  So to me that was a serendipitous find that has come just at the right time.  I like finds like this especially if they are practical. (I like the word serendipity - I seem to be using it a lot just lately or slight variations).

I have had several lucky finds at Charity shops and car boot fairs where people have bought expensive pans and then decided that they had no need for them.

I may pop back later in the week as they had a chinese bamboo steamer a brand new one (a large one to boot) - it had no price tag on and I thought if I went back later in the week and it was still there I would ask how much and if it was reasonable then I may come away with it.  The thought process being that if it is still there later in the week then I am meant to have it.  We will see what we shall see.  But at least I got out to play for a while.

I am in my element at Charity shops, junk shops, boot sales I love all the rootling round looking for things and then finding little finds or matching things up with something I already have.

Catch up later




  1. I like browsing in charity shops , I,m a bad bargain hunter . I buy things I don't need but cannot bear to leave them on the shelf .


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