Pancake Day

Well to all and sundry we know it as Pancake Day, but to those more respectful it is known as "Shrove Tuesday".  So the question is have you had your pancakes today?

I have had four small ones which equate to two large ones, with fresh orange juice squeezed all over sugar dredged pancakes.  Sounds like something off a Marks and Spencers add, but mine were not bought I made them and that is all I have had for tea!  They are quite simple to make, you just have to take your time, and don't panic. Mine were made with two eggs, a cup full of milk, 2oz flour and whisked together with a balloon whisk (hand one) and then put into a very hot pan making sure that any loose mixture is tipped down the sides of the forming pancake to use up the liquidity, then turned, sprinkled with sugar and orange juice, folded and placed on a hot plate.  They went down very well.

Actually the making of pancakes brings back a story from my childhood.  We had lived in Peterborough and moved to Deeping St James in Lincolnshire  when I was 11 1/2 and I subsequently moved schools to what was then known as The Deepings Secondary Modern school.  The first class that I was placed into was the cookery class, and the girls were learning how to make pancakes.  I was just getting into the lesson and starting to enjoy myself, when I was kidnapped, literally from the cookery class, by the English Teacher Mrs S,  as she was convinced I was a year older than I was (I was tall for my age but then I stopped growing). I then sat a second year English test for the next hour, [and did well in it] before the Cookery Teacher came and reclaimed me!  Not a very auspicious start to a brand new school, but I did remember how to make pancakes even after so fleeting a lesson.

I was planning on having another evening in the bedroom but Blogger put paid to that.  I still haven't finished re-arranging the furniture so to speak, but at least it looks a little better than it did.  I still have to play but it was more time consuming than I thought it was going to be.   Whilst I have been tip tapping on the keyboard, the cats have been sprawled in various positions (Squeak is snuggled up next to me on her back legs in the air snoring very gently and lady like away.

Sorry for the lack of photographs at present.  I have lost the battery charger for the camera - all I know is that it is somwhere safe, but I haven't located it yet.  Please bear with me.

Right I am off for another play

Take care




  1. Yes, I've had pancakes too :o)
    I'm afraid I've never weighed/measured batter mix in my life, just throw things in until it looks 'right'! I had a punnet of bluberries in the fridge and threw them into the batter, they turned out well served with lemon and yes I did sprinkle a little sugar on too, I'm afraid that nothing ruins pancakes more than powdered sweetener :o(
    What a start to your new school, good job you remembered how to make pancakes!
    As I get older jobs seem to take longer and longer, what I could once do in a day now seems to take two.
    Like the new look, and sorry to ask, but would you consider removing the new word verification please? I have, I and a lot of others find it really difficult to read. We both have authorisation on so it's easy to get rid of spam posts.
    Rose H


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