Good Morning

Its a bit grey and chilly here in Peterborough and I have had a bit of a rough night sleep wise - I wanted to sleep but I was up and down all night and then once I got myself comfortable Squeak who had opted to sleep in the front room with Demetri decided she was coming to bed and started treading all over me.  Never mind.

I have three more new ladies to welcome to the blog they are  Linda (I am not sure if you have a blog let me know if you do and I will post a link) Mum, and Emma Kate  Make yourself comfortable ladies and I hope you find something of interest among my mutterings.

I am afraid its a quick pop in pop out as I have to get myself off to work.  I have some Christmas tree decorations that I want to make in the next few weeks or so just need to get the pattern copied so that I can make some card templates (have cereal packets kept upstairs in the craft room for this specific purpose).  I recycle usable things where I possibly can, like buttons go into a button tin to be dug out again for a craft project or a creation for myself, old shirts are currently getting re-purposed as I am collecting to make a  patchwork quilt, I have a striped lilac, purple, pink, black, turquoise mans shirt that I have decimated down into usable pieces the odd ball of wool is always kept as it will come in useful to a crotchet blanket. A each item needs is the old creative juices to flow and then you end up with something practical, useful or pretty out of next to nothing apart from an influx of time.  Last evening whilst I was waiting for the washing machine to finish I have started another crotchet blanket/throw (haven't finished the other one yet but this is smaller and perhaps will be finished a little quicker) but I eventually get round and get everything finished.  Have lots of ideas buzzing at the moment most of them to do with patchwork.  Will see how it goes - might take this blanket to work and leave it there to do of a dinner time  yet again might not.

Anyway have a good day I will hopefully pop by later on today.

Love and Light




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