What I keep in the Pantry - Part One Tinned/Jar Goods

  I was contemplating the other day what other foodie things I tend to have in store at anyone time and these are just a few of the useful things I try to keep to hand on a regular basis.  This is just primarily dealing with Tinned/Jar Goods and there are more but I thought that this would be a starter for ten.  It makes for a quick meal or a useful addition to a substantial meal

Tinned / Jar Goods

  1. Baked Beans
  2. Whole Tomatoes
  3. Chopped Tomatoes
  4. Chick Peas
  5. Chilli Beans
  6. Cannellini Beans
  7. Mushy Peas
  8. Marrowfat peas
  9. Pasta Sauces
  10. Sweet and Sour Sauces
  11. Curry Sauces
  12. Tomato Soup
  13. Chicken Soup
  14. Oxtail Soup
  15. Scotch Broth
  16. Tuna
  17. Pink Salmon
  18. Red Salmon
  19. Crab
  20. Anchovies
  21. Sild
  22. Pilchards in tomato sauce
  23. Bamboo Shoots
  24. Bean Sprouts
  25. Water Chestnuts
  26. Coconut Milk 
  27. Corned Beef
What ingredients do you keep to hand?

Catch you all later on.




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