Fetish with Spaghetti

No not me  - the cat and the dog.

We had home prepared Spaghetti Bolognese last night and whilst I was busy dishing up I had company in the form of my cat Squeak who was quite interested in what was going on, on top of the cooker.  If the grill had of been down I suspect she would have jumped up.    Accidentally I dropped some spaghetti and she sucked it up like a vacuum cleaner.  Very cosmopolitan.

Anyway to cut a long story short.  I had finished what I wanted for my tea and left the remains in the bowl on the ironing board. Nipped out of the room just for a moment and by the time I had come back Missy had been on the ironing board and whupped up the lot.

I think perhaps I am feeding them the wrong food.




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