I have been Nettled (2) Nettle Beer and Nettle Pop

Continued from earlier

We had a lovely roast pork dinner tonight together with apple sauce, roast potatoes, parsnips, shredded cabbage, peas, broccoli and carrots with lashings of gravy.  Very tasty it was too.

I then watched the final episode of Poldark in the current series and then set about doing the wine.  I now have two gallons of nettle wine made and look as though I have enough nettles for another three demijohns.  Nettle wine to this recipe is very sweet.  Its currently in its soaking bucket waiting for the temperature to come down before I add the yeast.

This coming weekend though I will be going for nettles again and I have in mind to do at least a couple of batches of Nettle Beer as per the recipe provided for at:


This makes four gallons, for which I will need three carrier bags full of fresh young nettle tops for, but does mean that should be able to get the brewing over in one fair swoop.  However I am thinking of adding  root ginger to the mix as well - it is optional to the recipe.

However whilst researching Nettles I found a recipe for a Nettle Pop which I had not come across before.  Apparently it is a Northamptonshire recipe and comes from a book entitled Traditional Northamptonshire Recipes:


8oz/225g of sugar
Leaves from about 15 stinging nettle plants
1 tablespoon of cream of Tartar
5 pints/2.8 litres of water
1/4 oz/10g yeast
Juice from a Lemon


To prepare the stinging nettles:

Wearing a glove cut the stinging nettle stem near the ground.
Place them in a large saucepan of boiling water for 1 minute
After boiling they lose their sting and its easy to strip the leaves from the stem

To prepare the pop

Put 5 pints of water in a pan and get it boiling
Add nettles, sugar cream of tartar to the boiling water
Place the lid on the saucepan and remove it from the heat
Leave to cool and then add the yeast
Leave in a warm place until it has stopped bubbling vigorously (about 2 days)
Strain into a clean jug.  Stir in the juice of the lemon  Pour into stoppered bottles and drink within a few days.

So I may well give this recipe a whirl too.

Catch you soon




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