Useful Contact Details for ordering items for the Festive Season and Decoration Ideas

 I thought that I would post this information up whilst I remembered and have recently come across the information hopefully so that I remember where the details are in one place instead of turning the house upside down when after the relevant information.


Just a few notes and links to things that I have come across so far - if I don't pop them in the one place when I need the details I will be scrabbling around causing havoc so its simpler to be organised from the start.


(There are some lovely items here and they are a little pricey) - I love the Advent Calendar house with drawers which when opened activate the festive scene at the top.  It is Ā£99 but it is lovely.  Traditionally I tend to go for the more unique pieces of decoration. It is known as the Magical Heirloom Musical Advent Calendar and I think any child (including the bigger ones) would love having this lovely piece as a central point in their Christmas Festivities).


The shops are starting to stock a few Christmas decorations these tend to be very individual too and a lot more traditional pieces at very reasonable prices but it is a case of buying when you see.  They may have more pieces in on another day but if you want a certain amount of something grab it when you see it as it is not guaranteed to be there the next day - although it might be.

I am a big kid when it comes to the plotting and planning and dealing with all the preparations I get much pleasure from all the faffing around and paying attention to detail.  It is a process where you live in the moment to get the effect you want and the decorations and food etc shown off to the best of your ability.  Plus the Christmas Decorations in our family used to be packed into an old wooden tea chest and everything within that crate was "treasure" especially to the eyes of a child.  To me that is what Christmas is about for children the magic and excitement and the belief.  It should be encouraged as an escape and belief in something infinitesimal.


There is always room for home made creations.  My mother had knitted the Snowman  freestanding Christmas decoration and when clearing the house I found it.  It is not finished but all the pieces are made.  I therefore am going to make this up and put this with the Christmas Tree this year as a family heirloom, something that my mum made for us.  I know she enjoyed making it as well as she chatted about its progress to me.  One of the last things she made.
You however could make your own heirlooms.  The small pieces are not difficult to do although daunting if you have never done before.  I will pop up a list of sites on the Internet that provide instructions for making a few simple things for your own tree.  There are lots of ideas out there.  Go collecting small and larger fir cones.  A simple garland can be made from some pretty ribbon and about 10 medium sized fir cones and little net curtain eyes the closed ones screwed into the bottom of the cone and then strung on the ribbon - its probably better to pop a knot either side of each fir cone to stop the cones falling off but it makes a very simple garland.just for the cost of some net curtain eyes and some ribbon.  I made one the other year but intend to make some more this year. 

Little fir cones can be stuck onto little rings of cardboard.  Paint the base first in gold, silver or green or colour of your choice and then stick the little cones on with a glue gun then make a hanging loop from some pretty ribbon and hang off garlands or off the Christmas tree.



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