Bit of a Bargain

I had tea all planned it had been taken out of the freezer awaiting my tender ministrations when I got in from work and OH didn't fancy it.  I had planned on Steak pie with mashed potatoes and veggies and quite frankly he did not fancy it.  He has however treated us to a Chinese so I am not complaining.  So it looks as though it will be steak pie tomorrow night.

Well I have had a bit of a midweek bargain in that I have purchased 15 trays of Blueberries normally Ā£2 a tray for 50pence per tray that would have been Ā£30 under normal circumstances but with the mark down to 50p well that has saved me Ā£22.50.  I only paid Ā£7.50.  So that to me is a bargain.  But did you know that blueberries are good for you.  They are full of what are known as free radicals which is an integral part of the fruit that actually helps you fight any kind of infection.  A bit like cranberries.

What am I going to do with the blueberries.  Well they are destined for the freezer.  I will use them in blueberry muffins and blueberry pancakes. (both are favourites)  If I find some more along the way I will have a go at dehydrating them for storage in glass jars.  So it just goes to show that you should not be too proud to turn your nose up at the reductions; it could save you an awful lot of money.  I intend to really get stuck in with the dehydrator and intend to raid the reductions on a regular basis in order to put some goodies down for use in my cooking repertoire and give me selection of items that you would not normally have access to.  Once dried, the fruits can be used in a variety of ways and one of the chief ones on my list is to start making my own breakfast cereals again.  I used to have a couple of old sweet jars and used to make it in bulk when my step-children were at home.  Although I like bought cereal sometimes there are hidden sugars in things that you just do not need.  I am quite partial to Granola.  Home made.

One of the cheapest ways to get fruit on to your table is to buy ready frozen fruit.  Co-Op have a mixed selection of berries for Ā£2.  If you were buying them fresh you would pay anything upwards of Ā£2 just for one particular fruit and     M & S sometimes Ā£3 a tub.  Iceland is a good place to look too.

So I am rather chuffed at the saving.  So if you get an offer like this where you live then do not leave it - it is too much of a bargain.

I will be after some veggies to dry soon so that I can make my own soup mixes.  Will be ideal for Oh when he goes fishing or adding more flavour to meals.

Right must got a wriggle on.  Things to do including getting those blueberries into the freezer.

Catch you soon.




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