Tefal Vitafruit Jam Machine
I used to have one of these having bought it from new and I still have the faulty machine and its attachments. Browsing on ebay I found one up for sale and bid and tonight I have won a brand new one. The only reason I have gone for it is because when it worked my previous machine was a handy little gadget which meant I could get on with other things whilst it was working. Which is a great time saver when one works full time. Will see how I get on with this one. My original one came from Lakeland and the jam pan locked onto its base. When it did this though it was well out of its guarantee. So now I have another one coming I will see if OH can do anything with it otherwise it will be going in the bin apart from the extra bits. Lakeland have not done this jam pan for some particular length of time but they have a Ball one in now which is Ā£150. So will see how I get on. I can only try and I have not expended too much money in buying it. Enough but not too much.
I also have my eye on a soup urn for making cheese at home. I got the idea from the cheese book by Dick and James Strawbridge.
I am quite a fan of Kefir also. I love Milk Kefir and buy this currently from the Polish Shop round the corner. Occasionally they also have buttermilk which I use for muffins and scones predominantly. However you can buy the grains and produce it yourself, so this is something I am looking into at the moment. Both cultures are meant to help where there are long term medical conditions especially auto immune disease. I have not tried the water Kefir but it is fizzy and you can add different fruit juices to it.
So really I am starting to amass the equipment I need for doing things myself. I have the dehydrator the time and temperature controlled hot water bath urn, the jam machine. I am still hankering after a pressure canner and that is on the list. I need a couple of meat and cheese caves and a smoker. I have a small box one that you can pop outside or use on the cooker but I fancy a shed type one.
So I am not doing badly on the equipment front.
There is one more piece of equipment I do have my eye on an embroidery machine - I have been looking at the computerised Janome ones. Will have to see on this front as this is quite a hefty piece of expenditure.
Hopefully my machine will arrive by the end of the week.
Catch you soon.
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