Shed Catch Up

Its been a really cold day but it has not stopped us bogging in and getting things done.  I managed to get the path clear in the garden - got rid of pots where the plants have been spent  and put the pots for washing another day to one side.  The delivery man came and unloaded and popped the shed into the front garden for us - I was nearly there with the garden when he arrived. 

Here is where we got the shed off, and I got an extra 5% off as well.  Very pleased in the end with the service received from them and the delivery driver. 

We then went off.  First to the cash and carry as  needed more soap powder and ended up with a couple of other bits and bobs as well.  Including Fentimans Dandelion and Burdock - 16 bottles for £7.99 normally £1.50 a bottle in the shops.  We also ended up getting trolley for moving sacks of stuff and furniture around.

Will probably call in again before Christmas as there were a few things on the fish and  meat front that would quite like but do not have room for them at the moment.  I need to sort the freezers and make room for stuff.  Another job for the list.

We then went on to collect the alarm and then to the reclaimation yard both of which were next door to each other so things seem to be working out right at the present.  Very serendipitious for a change.

We decided that we were going to go for slabs for the base from the reclaimation yard.  Very pleased with what we ended up with at a fraction of the price.  Will go and have a good look around another day as at that price we can if we can get more of them afford to  put the patio down as well which will certainly tidy the garden out quite a bit.  Still no end to do but at least its a start;  Loaded them all in the car and got them home safely.

Then had to unload the front garden and get everything safely in the back garden which was hard going but we have it done.  Now cream crackered.  Will put the tiles down in the morning and then get the shed up.  We also got the alarm and lock system that they had tried to deliver yesterday.  It all looks very good.  So it has been a very busy and very eventful day - moved on a little further with our plans but a heck of a lot to do tomorrow.

I keep nodding so I had better go and do something else not quite sure what at the moment but will find something.

Catch you soon.




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