Sweet Clementines

At Christmas these are a must have in our home.  I first came across them as a little one when they used to be popped into our Christmas stockings; but one memory I do have relates to me having my tonsils and adenoids out in hospital.  The shop where my mum used to do the bulk of her shopping found out and sent a little present home for me to help in my recovery.  It was a little tiny wooden chest packed with Clementines wrapped in blue tissue.  They were full of vitamin c and they helped in my recovery.

Every Christmas since then they have made a big appearance.  This particular box as it is cheaper to buy them in a box was bought from Johnsons the Butchers last Saturday.  They have been stored in our shed since then where it is nice and cold.  It has been very cold here today and OH fancied some so I trekked out and got a few.  We came in, the Clementines scented the air and smelt divine.  They were also nice and cold to eat the only way to eat them.  They slipped down very nicely.  There are still loads more left and I have another box also in the shed.  If we do not get round to eating all of them they will be used in a preserve or two.  I like preparing them whole in syrup.  They make a talking point at the table when served simply with some of the syrup and some cream.

We have also had some of my Mum's recipe for Plum Bread.  Think it is the best it has ever come up, although could do with a little more storage than I gave it.  It has sliced well and tasted good too.  Hope my brother's was just as nice as ours was.

It has been a lazy day today but that's part of our usual Christmas celebrations when we are on our own.

Since then we have been watching Jurassic World and the Sherlock Holmes films. 

OH is back to work tomorrow.  I am not back until next week and I have lots I can do in the meanwhile.   

Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas too.

Catch you soon.




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