Despite having a lot to do

For the best part of today I have done absolutely nothing - I hurt so much and I am on the pain killers as well to try and make myself more comfortable.  I hate having to take them as they cause so many other problems in the process - i.e. me not firing on all cylinders the following day and not able to cope with things as well as I normally might.  But somewhere along the line I have to learn to listen to my body more.  I have therefore not done much at all.  I had a couple of bids on ebay but that amounted to nothing.  Too rich for me but you never know another time.  I have done particularly well recently so its someone else's turn.

I have not even cooked Sunday dinner today. We had a takeway for ease but to tell you the truth neither of us were really fussed. The dog has had a bath which she was not at all enthralled about but afterwards she always gives me a kiss.  So I think it makes her feel more comfy which is the overall aim of the bath in the first place.  She has a skin allergy which flares up periodically and then calms down again.  We have a special shampoo  for sensitive skin for her.

The sun has been out for the best part today although a little chilly.  Things are going in the right direction though it will soon be lighter nights and lighter mornings.  Makes all the difference to the energy levels and then may be able to get going in the garden.  I have found a box of seeds I was looking for in the clear up so the next step is to get them into the garden folder with the rest of the seeds that I had already sourced.  Then maybe a I will get a chance to create an Xcel spreadsheet with relative information per seeds; so that I am half-way there when it comes to next year.  I am hoping that the weather will be better this coming weekend as I really need to get into the garden to start squaring things up.

Many years ago OH used to belong to the Gardening Club and they used to mass order seeds from Dobies.  There were a couple of old timers and one of them recommended going sheep dagging and then put the dags into a hessian sack in the water butt and left things to settle for a while before using.  Then when it came to watering up he used to put so much out of the water butt into the watering can and then fill up with a hosepipe so each time that you watered up the plants were getting fed.  I must say that particular year the plants were a real success.  Not long after OH was made redundant and growing veg has been a bit hit and miss ever since.  We also never ever used to plant seeds out or plants until May was out to reduce all risk of frosts.

However already I do have bulbs to plant in some planters that I already have, some Freesia, Anemone, Lily of the Valley and Peony.  I am after some Violas and Pansies.  I already have four Rhubarb plants and 8 Asparagus plants and some garlic so I would quite like to get into the garden and get them in situ.  I am also looking for some more Asparagus plants and strawberry plants to start with.

I need to get some paint for my growing frames.  They are looking a little worse for wear at the moment nothing that a bit of paint will not tart up so it would be handy if I could get some nicer weather all round so that I can at least make a start.  Once they are sorted out I can start with the seeds.

Right I had better get a wriggle on and get everything ready for work tomorrow.  Still an awful lot to do as usual but tis just the depth that varies.

Catch you all soon.




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