Mini Orchard and Fruit Garden?
Well the semblances of anyway. The garden is long and narrow and there is plenty of room for potted trees down the side of the garden as well as the Potager. Have a lot of clearing to do on the lower level yet though. Hopefully that will be achieved this year so that I can get a wriggle on next. I had a fruit garden down the bottom originally but it has all fallen into disrepair so from the Greenhouse onwards will be set for a sort out and there will be a lot of trips to the tip.
Today I am not at all popular with my neighbour as I have more trees arrived today two Yellow Hornet Crab apple trees. These are to be planted up in larger tubs and to join two William Pears, and two Quince and two Fig. However I am not telling him this just let him come to his own conclusions. I am not planting them into the garden as I don't want to be here any longer than I have to and want to take any trees I have with me but I need to move things forward and bring the new in and this is one way of doing it and of course we have to live in the meantime.
I need to look for Victoria Plums, Apricots, Peaches and apples now as well also for pots. I think this growing and harvesting bug is getting me hooked.
I have also bought some more fruit plants today. Some Autumn Bliss Raspberries, Blueberries two different varieties, one is Duke and I cannot remember the name of the other variety. There is also another Loganberry and another Tayberry. So they all need to be potted up as well. I am after a couple of more plants of the yellow Raspberry as well. I have also managed to pick up another Rhubarb plant this time Timperley Early.
So lots of potting up to do. OH will have to take me for compost over the weekend. But have some more clearing to do before then.
Right had better get a wriggle on.
I have 5kgs of cherries to process tonight.
Catch you soon.
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