Last day of December 2019

As we wait with baited breath and a slow countdown for the New Year to slowly slip in all going about our business and all doing different things.

OH has been at work again today until he was released early by 15 minutes from work whereupon he came and collected me from Waitrose.  I knew he needed a hot meal and had decided to get some stewing steak to make a hot stew to have for a late supper.  They did not have any fresh and so I have bought a bag of their frozen which does not look too bad.  It was £3.99 for the bag and I have a stew veg bag for £1 (the veg shop is closed until Friday) as well which had carrots, swede and parsnip in. I have added an onion, seasoning and redcurrant jelly together with some stock. That is all bubbling away in a casserole in the cooker and we shall have that later on.  Good comfort food to hearten the body and the soul nothing fancy just simply cooked letting the ingredients flavour the meal without too many additions and letting the food speak for itself.

I also managed to get some reduced Aberdeen Angus beef x two packs for a cottage pie and also a lasagna a small reduced pork joint, two packs of lamb steaks on the meat front so some good eating to come for which I am very grateful.  You always need the comfort food the no frills eating that is a staple of British home cooking.

Catch you soon.




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