Wednesday Catch Up

I have had a good day, low key but still lovely.  Am feeling a little brighter today.  Was up at 8:45am this morning and aim to be in bed reasonably early tonight.  Does not matter if I do not sleep as long as I rest.  The resting is just as important as the sleep.  I seem to have been having too much sleep of late.

The new regime with the Vitamin D3 started yesterday (and although it might be a coincidence ) and despite having a little discomfort today (which I think was due to impending rain - it is chucking it down here outside at the moment)  I have not been as bad as I usually am when it is going to rain. As a rule stick me on a wall and I would make a good barometer! 

I know that the primary culprit for my issues at the moment is the osteo-arthritis.  It can depress the mood (not clinical depression) just low mood that I cannot seem to snap out of and which drives me bonkers.  Its as though an alien takes over my body and that it is not Tricia I am dealing with but her ugly twin!  Combined with the fatigue, now that really is frustrating.  I am not one to generally feel sorry for myself and I consider myself very lucky compared to most.  I think the difficulty for me arises in respect of that I am generally pretty even tempered and happy go lucky but I do find it difficult when the low mood hits.  Normally just for a period of 24 hours where I kick myself into touch and give myself a good talking to.  I know that I am not alone in this, and that countless individuals experience this.

What was reasonably new to me though is that people with a lot of pain, fatigue or long term niggling conditions do tend to have this from time to time and that it is very much to do with a cause and then a reaction to a cause.  In my case (medical conditions) fatigue or pain and the reaction is then low mood which is not necessarily clinical depression.  Just because you look "tickety boo" on the outside and that you present as that does not mean that there are no issues.  Most people who experience low mood do not wish to inflict that on their friends or family.  It is difficult enough for the individual to go through.  Each of us has our own cross to carry.  

For me when I put things into perspective I am lucky and very grateful in that the issues I do have are to be overcome where I can or at least improved to where they were.  Low mood is not always easily understood or talked about openly but it is something that happens in real life.  It just needs to be openly accepted a lot more than it generally is rather than stigma being attached to such a condition because you are considered "odd" or "different".  Most people do not admit to it for this reason.  

However it very much is a fact of life that we are all individuals all unique and there is something to be celebrated in all the little differences.

Just a little food for thought based on my own experience.  I understand that each person's experience is very subjective and very different and I hope therefore that I do not come over as judgmental on this score as that is not intended at all.

I would hasten to add that I am at the moment very much on the up (not quite there but getting there) which I am grateful for.  I am also very grateful for your support and understanding in continuing to read my sometimes "deep" ramblings.

Tonight we have had egg, bacon and tinned tomatoes for tea. Which was very tasty.  I nipped to Waitrose and they had some back bacon on offer 6 rashers for £1.74  - on offer.  Was very tasty and hardly any water came out so one of the better bacon options.

Tomorrow night we have home-made stew again to use up some vegetables I have in house and to give us a good solid meal.

I am also hoping to start on the kitchen tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

Catch you all soon.




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