Hello everyone
We are back from our travels and have arrived home just before a horrendous thunderstorm happened just after we got in. Has come through the back door as was torrential rain and the guttering could not cope.
Have had a very interesting break which nearly did not happen for a multitude of reasons.
The first was me losing Bumble.
The second was my step-daughter's dog has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He came with us as he was supposed to do, he picked up once daughter went to see him and started eating. He is stable at the moment is on medication and comfortable. He will tell her when he has had enough- or if he is in pain. He is a lovely gentleman, very gentle and a Staffie.
The third was we were all piled in the car+, caravan was packed ready to go and the cable to the tow bar failed. We nearly had to go home get an engineer out and leave the following day/ Fortunately they had a replacement socket at the caravan suppliers and OH ended up rewiring everything. It worked and we were then able to depart.
We have after arriving safely had a very pleasant week despite diverse weather conditions.
We now have a lot of work to do over the coming days which needs to be completed before our next jaunt. At this moment in time we are looking to go to Glastonbury. I would like to go to the healing well there, as well as look around the area iself.
I did manage to get some needlework done - only a little, not very easy with a 7 year old and a 3 year old in tow. I am pleased to have got some done though and did better this time round. More on this in another post.
I hope you are all keeping well.
I could have done with staying another week at Woodhall Spa for a rest.
Catch you soon.
Really pleased you had a good time