Today has been interesting

 and not at all planned.  For starters OH decided that we would go to see the Fish Man at Ramsey this morning (instead of Saturday morning).  He had planned to go fishing, but in the end the call of the warm bed won hands down.  We then went to the Fish man and ended up bringing home a selection of shell fish including crab.  No fillets of fish today.  We ended up with Crayfish, Crevettes, Cockles and Pink Shrimp.  It has gone down very nicely as well.

On the way back we walked Missy and gave her a run somewhere different for a change.  As it was mid-day  by the time we got home we then set to and had our crab.

I was then pottering in the kitchen for a little while before going off to the shop to get some bits and bobs that were needed for the pantry shelf.  I also nipped to the Charity Shop and ended coming home with another Rumtopf for £2.50 and a small flower jug for £4.00.  I am chuffed with them.  I had only nipped in on spec not expecting to find anything.  The Rumtopf will be a very useful preserving tool in its own right in storing Rumtopf (a mixture of seasonal fruits soaked in sugar and Rum) sometimes Brandy and then served at Christmas in little bowls with some of the liquor and then some home made Cinnamon or Vanilla ice cream. You do not need much this is lovely and for adults only.  You can also strain the liquid off and drink it as a liqueur.  I use an old recipe for making mincemeat which ferments the fresh and dried fruits and these Rumtopf jars are ideal for preserving this in.  I use muslin on the top of the crock with the lid placed on top.  I do not use cling film on it.  It does have a lid but the photo I took has not come out.

However I love the little jug.  It is not in perfect nick and is showing its age somewhat but I just love the colours.  Will look nice on the Dresser.

We then walked Missy down the river on her normal walk before returning home.

Tea has been the rest of the shellfish.

OH then decided that he is going to fish tomorrow so I had to nip to the shop for some bread and bits for him to take sarnies with him and also take something to drink. We were getting low on toilet rolls so I bought another packet of them home as well.

We are away again soon and I have therefore had to do repeat prescriptions for both of us as we will run out of meds whilst we are away.  So that is another thing off the check list early enough in case there are any issues to be resolved with the surgery.

I am also finding equipment I knew I had but could not place exactly where I had put them.  I have found my electric urn/water bath canner and steam juice extractor so that is definitely being put to good use.  This is not a pressure canner but any kind of water bathing/bottling can be completed in this.  I am after making some apple sauce for which I will need to pay a visit to the Veg shop.  You can also bulk hot water sterilise your jars in it as well.  It does have a timer and temperature control on it. It is commonly referred to as a Pasteuriser.  Mine came from Germany via Ebay and it is very effective.

It is very similar to this from Vigo Presses.  The Link is here:

Vigo Presses Pasteuriser

They also have an offer on at the moment for the above piece of equipment together with the steam juice extractor to fit this pasteuriser.

The details are here:

Vigo Presses Pasteuriser and Steam Juice Extractor

Alternatively, you can always check out Ebay as they normally have something like this available.  The only thing I would say is that if obtaining like me from Germany is that most of the instructions such as they are tend to be in German.  There is on the Vigo Presses site under the first link information as to how to use these machines.  The beauty for me is that i can prepare my food for processing, stack it, switch it on and leave it on the timer to process. It will switch itself off and I can if I choose leave things to cool down until all items are cool.  If I am batch processing though I will empty it and then start the machine off again with fresh water etc.  This piece of equipment certainly saves me time in water bath processing.

I also bought some reduced items six pots of double cream reduced from £1.40 a pot to £0.35 per pot and some shortcrust pastry at £0.50 per pack when I nipped to the shop.  Some home made herb butter is on the cards.  As I have the butter churner standing on the shelf looking pretty am setting it to do some work so it earns its living.  Mine is the Kilner Butter Churner.

Tomorrow is another busy day.

Catch you soon.




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