More Decorations

The corner of my dining room is starting to look like a Christmas decoration shop. I have found more ornaments.  This time part of my collection of Thomas Pacconi glass Mercury baubles.  There are 18 decorations to this particular set which comprises of The Night Before Christmas A Christmas Carol and The Nutcracker. What is particularly charming about these decorations is that they come in their own little wooden chests.  Each chest has a guideline as to which pieces are part of the set and where they go.  They are considered a Collectors item and each little set has its own certificate of authenticity.  Many of these sets are numbered.  They look lovely on a tree especially by candlelight.

This is the Nutcracker set

This is the Christmas Carol set

This is the Night Before Christmas set.

They reminded me very much of many of the baubles my mum had when I was little and which unfortunately did not survive. Mum kept her treasures well wrapped up in an old tea chest. The Christmas before we lost mum the Christmas tree toppled over and broke a lot of the decorations she had treasured for over 60 years.  She was terribly upset about this particularly the blue spotted bell which was a German decoration which had been given by a friend as a present one Christmas. This bell rang like a proper bell.  The blue bell had a counterpart a pink spotted bell which did the same but that got broken accidentally by mum when I was tiny.  Despite looking at vintage baubles to this day I have never seen any decorations like the pink and blue bells.  I still keep looking though.

I do have other Thomas Pacconi decorations upstairs however I will have to go looking for those later when I am nearer to putting the tree up in the front room.  I have yet to find the trees. I have three.

Right upwards and onwards catch you soon.




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