A little progress

I have felt a bit more with it today and have been pottering between the kitchen and the dining room, sorting out kitchen equipment that was in the dining room and getting it into the kitchen.  Emptying a couple of more tubs and fighting my way into the corner to get to the cupboard under the stairs.  A path is cleared and so I am hoping to get to the under-stairs to start emptying, cleaning and painting out the cupboard.  That will probably be late afternoon as I have some more clearing to do in the kitchen first especially in view of the fact that the Kitchen stuff is arriving on Saturday.  So I want as much in place as I can before then and then OH will be able to get the new countertop in and the two double units for underneath which is when I will then be able to totally organise those four cupboards.  The rest of the cupboards have worked out more than fine.

I am finding more Christmas decorations as I am going along in the dining room in some of the boxes.  Some of them very old and some of them very different or traditional.  I shall do another post on this shortly.

The dining room will be decorated as soon as it is stripped and cleaned out, but I have things to do before then namely the kitchen and the under-stairs cupboard.  Once they are done there will be a lot of things going into the under-stairs-cupboard including my preserves and also quite a lot of cooking equipment that is not used on a regular basis.  Then I have to sort out my stacking utensil drawers.  I have currently had one double stack in use, but I have another double stack which is going into use with it.  They will be in the dining room as I have no room for drawers in the kitchen.  My kitchen is that small. There as I have already said is a lot of stuff going from the kitchen into the cupboard under the stairs and from the dining room to the kitchen, messy but it is working and things are coming together very slowly.  It is also very nice to be regaining control over my kitchen equipment again and being able to find it.

As it has been cold, we have had comfort food for tea tonight.  Home made Toad in the Hole, served with mashed potato and home made onion gravy.  It went down very nicely and has warmed me up quite a bit.

Very tasty.

Early morning start again tomorrow.

Catch you soon.



Early start again tomrorrow.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better again, and getting yourself organized.


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