A little trip out

 Now prices are going up all over the place, I am being more selective in my shopping, not going without, but still making the most of what I do have available. 

I needed to go out today as I needed some more Soap Powder.  I prefer Persil either ordinary or biological when I can get it.  Just recently I have been paying about £6.99 for a reasonably large box.  Today I went into Home Bargains and they did not have any. Plenty of Fabric conditioner but I Still have a lot of that left so no need for that today. Might have to go back for that another day.

Whilst in there though, I did go and have a look around and ended up with large dishcloths a pack of five for £1.65, tin foil different sizes, a pancake pan, some Bamboo tooth brushes I thought that they were standard but they are child size.  So looks as though will have to go back and get the right size for those.  I also came away with a large tub of Oxi stain remover for £2.99. I also bought a couple of packets of glue sticks 59p a pack only a little pack but all will help when I get set too with the crafting I have in mind.  I have an  upcoming project to do when the weather is a little better. I already have some paint for this.  The project is intended for the bathroom.  I have found some of what I am looking for in the back bedroom but there is another box of stuff which I have not been able to locate yet which is very much required for this project.  Then I will just need some spray varnish.  Anyway I digress.

I had seen an offer on at Farm Fresh Foods which is a predominantly freezer food shop.  This offer was for two very large boxes 130 wash of normal Persil washing powder for £25 which then works out at £12.50 per box.  So we headed on there. 

I have used Farm Fresh Foods in the past for buying frozen items but to tell you the truth a lot of the time, I was more interested in what was on top of the shelves than the freezers.  It was no different today.  I went to eye up what bargains that could be had and there are quite a lot of offers on in relation to tinned stuff.  A case of chopped tomatoes for £3.99.  A  case consists of 12 cans.  Two x 6 cans of Branston Baked beans at £6. Harry Ramsdens Marrowfat peas and Mushy peas 3 tins for £1.20.  They also did the larger family sized tins of tomatoes for about 70p a tin.  Too much for us but might be a good buy as could use some and then freeze the rest. Lots of offers on the fruit as well, the prices per tin were also well below 80p a tin including strawberries.  I think they were 65p.  So may well go back there and combined with B & M and do a good across the board pantry shop - predominantly tinned stuff.  There were some very good offers on all across the board and was able to get a standard bottle of Dandelion and Burdock and Cream Soda for 99p a bottle.  Pepsi 3 litre bottles were also on offer as well.  Three x 3 litre bottles of Pepsi Max £6.  A standard bottle is normally £1.90 unless it is on offer and then it is £1.50.  Lots of other items too. 

Even though I limited my shopping predominantly to the washing powder today, I was checking out a lot of items and I intend to return another day and stock up.  Tinned food in the pantry is a promise to yourself that you are going to be able to have a meal of some sort on the morrow.

In the past, I have preferred to buy things in bulk I think you get a better return all round, but you do have to be careful that the offers are a true offer.  In this house I do not have much storage room but I do try and make the most of what I have.

I was also looking for some glass storage jars.  I had seen some last month when I popped in and I was hoping to buy a couple today.  However they did not have any.  For those of you that freeze meals though they do have the Pyrex square casseroles with plastic lids for under £4 a dish, for a medium size.  Worth the investment for freezing your own meals, is recyclable you can use them again and again and not using any nasty plastic or adding to landfill.  I rate Pyrex cookware.

Right am off to potter.  I have some more chores to deal with still.

Catch you soon.




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