General Catchup

Another busy week, here with tidying and sorting.  It still has to go on though and I need as much as I can to be done before the beginning of March.  


I have received my surgery appointment through for then, which is a couple of weeks away.  As I will be incapacitated for a few days after surgery I want things to be as sorted as they can be.  The appointment has come through quickly which in one sense I am very pleased about, but I am a little apprehensive.

I have to have a telephone health assessment before surgery with a Nurse before then.  I do not need to attend the hospital which is a blessing.  Then three days before surgery, I have to go for a Covid test at the hospital and if clear will then have to isolate until the day of surgery.  So at least some progress has been made and then once this is resolved will hopefully be able to get myself a lot fitter.  I have lost a lot of weight, but I could do with losing a bit more. I am grateful that the surgery has come round so quickly in the greater scheme of things and am viewing it in a positive light.  A little apprehensive but that is normal for everyone.  I still have a lot of living to do!

I started off two Sourdough starters yesterday (Thursday);  one for grape and one for apple.  On checking them this morning we have a ferment in each of them.  The apple starter was commenced some four hours after the grape and at the moment seems to be the livelier of the two ferments.  The grape one is on the go, but we will see what happens in the next few days prior to the initial discard and fresh feeding.  The ferments should be viable for next week, and then hopefully will be in a position to make my first loaf of Sourdough bread.  In readiness I do have a couple of Banneton baskets which I may use.  I need to get hold of some old fashioned men's razor blades for decorating though.

I am sorry if I seem to be going on and on about Sourdough at the moment.  I am trying to learn something new and that always intrigues me as I try and learn all about what I am doing and then relate how I am progressing with said project.  I am excited at the prospect of what I potentially will be able to do with this in the future.

I am also hoping to get some baking done over the weekend.

Wouldn't you know it.  On Wednesday I pulled a jumper down which I had started to knit as I could not locate the pattern.  Guess what I found last night! However, on looking at the pattern, the minty green wool I have to hand, there will be enough wool to knit the found pattern, which is a square dropped shoulder jumper.  Just a pity I pulled the other one down.  It will be a better job!


Talk about getting "dottier" I really outdid myself today!

Up early.  Met my criteria here then about 9.15 the electric went off and as we are on prepayment card, went to plug it in for the emergency until we could top up.  Could I locate the key, could I heck.  Some four hours later, we have had to request a new key as I just could not locate it.  That involved waiting for an hour and then going to the nearest store that had replacement keys in stock.  Then had to come home register the key on our machine, and then go off and pay for the electric.  A little bit of messing around, but now all topped up and ready to go.  The change of key though has enabled me to go back round to my local shop for the electric in any event.  So good things do come out of slightly hairy situations.  Talk about flying by the seat of your pants!

Needless to say, key is in the machine and will not be coming out under any circumstances apart from topping up.  So that was my morning a pure waste of time really.  These things are sent to try us.

I checked on the Sourdough starters; the apple is definitely the most lively of the two starters and it has started to grow.  The grape is a lot frothier than it was.  So very pleased with both starters at the moment.  OH has realised that I am very interested in Sourdough bread, and I am hoping that when it comes to making my first loaf everything turns out as it should.  We have only eaten bought Sourdough bread thus far and we like that.  It will be a lot better for the pair of us on the bread front if it is a success as it will mean home made bread from thereon in if successful.  We shall wait and see as I have never made Sourdough bread before.  I am excited at the prospect, of having this useful addition to my kitchen both by way of the starters and of what it is used in.  It will just be the cost of the flour rather than having to buy in bread that I am not really fussed with in any event.  I prefer hand crafted Artisan style homely bread.  Has more integrity and flavour.

Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

There are lots of other things that I want to try which are new to me in the future.  Breadmaking generally will be a good one to get under my belt.  I also need to get to grips with pastry.  I am also interested in doing more on the Charcuterie front.  Will see how it goes.

There has been quite a bit of pottering and tidying as well despite the hiccup first thing this morning. A lot of washing has also been going on as well as drying. Tiz just the depth that varies.

Now to tackle the ironing pile.

Hope you all have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. Hi Patricia, Making sourdough for some years now (husband is from Austria) but never the way you do it. Very interesting to read.
    I really do not understand the way the electric works in the UK. You have a card and a key? We just pay a monthly fee and get an annual bill to settle (plus or minus). We will never be without electric. Only if you are not paying your monthly bill for months on and even then they are very hesitant to act.

  2. Hi Wendy, we used to be on monthly but the Gas Board severely underestimated how much Gas and Electric we were using and despite paying over £100 per month out by direct debit, we ended up owing them over £1,000 through no fault of our own. We went onto the pay as you go card on the advice of the power provider so that we could provide ourselves with electric and gas and also pay the debt off at the same time, as around the same time OH lost his job. We have never gone back to normal supply because of that as we do not want any more unexpected power bills to pay. This way on we pay for the power up front, and I have been able to work out where we are with the supply and keep everything clear. A lot of people in the UK with lower incomes use this method too. Now that power costs have increased drastically I envisage a lot more people will end up using this method. We can have the meter taken out, when we wish as everything is paid for, but I am erring on the side of caution at the moment as I can make adjustments if they are required and I know how much gas or electric I have available to me at that particular time. Just trying to keep everything on the straight and narrow for ourselves. Tricia


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