Waste Not Want Not

What a glorious sunny day today has been it has been lovely to see the Sun out for the best part of the day as well.

Today has been busy in that we paid a visit to the Butcher. Have come away with a nice selection of goodies for eating at some point in the week/into next week.  I am not one really to have a set day for this or that although I do take longevity into account.  Sometimes if I plan things by the time it comes to eat we don't want it and tend to put off to another day.  So I have started to do an outline shop of things on the meat front.  Needless to say that we do not necessarily have meat everyday.  I do things in between sometimes scratch meals, sometimes lighter meals.

Today I have come away with the following in no particular order;

Rolled Shoulder of Pork joint.

This is destined for today's Sunday dinner (we have this at night so we get more time in the day to do things).  Has been padded out with finely shredded Hispi Cabbage which has been steamed and then coated in a little butter, steamed carrots, Broccoli and Petit-Pois, Roast Potatoes, Mashed potato and plenty of gravy.  No stuffing today I think we have more than enough.

This will give us at least two good meals.

The veg peelings, and some older vegetables have also been chopped up finely and popped into the Slow Cooker to make some Vegetable Stock.  No point in wasting something that can provide flavour to meals.

I also have a decent portion of Pork Dripping, I added one block of lard to the meat juices whilst the joint was cooking, have then strained off completely and then added the potatoes with a little of the melted pork dripping. to make roasties.  Even then there are still meat juices in the bottom of the tray and they are then utilised to make gravy.

So nothing has been wasted at all.

Extra large chicken.

Another roast dinner during the week with full accompaniments. Will get two main meals, plus stock, and enough pickings to make a curry or even in satay sauce with some rice or cream of chicken soup.  There are always ways of using up left over chicken and even the cats and Missy get a look in.  The important bit is the gelatinous stock obtained from this.  Proper boost for people when under the weather/

1 1/2lbs of stewing steak

Envisage for a stew but could be turned into a meat pie. Jury out at the moment.

1 1/2lbs of chipolatas

Envisaged for OH and some fry ups.  I might have the odd sarnie.

1lb of streaky bacon

Envisaged for OH and some fry ups.  I have been steering clear.

2 Barnsley Pork Chops

Also envisaged for a proper meal with veggies.

1 Rump Steak

For OH probably with some chips.

1 Rib Eye Steak

For me Steak and Onion sarnie I think.

I started tea earlier than I usually do, but even so it threw me a little to realise it was 5:30pm and the Sun was still out.  What a difference a bit of sunlight makes.  Gives me so much more energy.

We had roast Pork, roast potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli, mashed potato, petit-pois, finely shredded cabbage with plenty of gravy.  It went down very nicely.  We have a duplicate meal for tomorrow night.

I also managed to get some Pork dripping for OH to have on some bread if he wants it or it will be used for further roast potatoes with the gravy going into further soups or gravies.

I have also put the peels from the veggies into the slow cooker together with some veggies that are getting past their best into the slow cooker to cook up some vegetable stock for use during the week.

I also need to do some baking this week as well as get everything reasonably tidy in readiness for Friday.  Better to put steps in place to be on the safe side.

Catch you later.




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