Pattypan's Pantry Diary Update and Round Up Tuesday 20 September 2022

This post was starting off at the beginning of September, and somewhere along the line I lost track of time.  I suspect that this is something to do with the fact that I have had some fatigue again, partly due to a flare up and partly down to the temperature dropping.  I have already had several Raynaud's attacks and some tiredness. I have not done much on the preserving front.  This post is really then as much of a round up I can remember of the past couple of weeks. I do apologise for this and hope to get back into good habits again by posting again this Sunday night coming; in essence two posts about the Pantry within one week.

The first full week of September was predominantly about tidying and organising, and I still have an awful lot to do.  There is not therefore, not much on the preserving front at all compared to recent weeks.  Some quieter time after a concentrated spell of making stuff for the Pantry.  It is not I am not into prepping stuff for the Pantry shelf, it is just I have had so much else to do. This coming week will be different although I still have lots of sorting out to do.  That did not quite happen, but I have done lots of serious cooking and we have had some very good eating as a result.

The Ginger Beer was made up and placed into clamp bottles.  I lost one bottle when releasing earlier in the week, as I was not quick enough in getting the clamp locked back down.  Ginger Beer is known to be very volatile.  The Beer is clearing nicely, and it is on a stone floor so should keep reasonably.  It will be chilled in the fridge before I use it.  Should really stick it in the freezer like a Champagne type wine to freeze which will form a plug in the top of the bottle which contains risen sediment.  However, I have no freezer so that is not going to happen at the moment.  I am hoping to make some Apple Pop too as well.

The only really bit of pantry stocking has been when I went to the Asian shop on Friday and stocked up on Popping Corn, Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, more Yellow Mustard seeds, Ginger powder for the Ginger Beer, Brown Mustard seeds, and Rose water.  Will go again shortly to add a few more things to the stockpile.

I have however made the Elderflower Wine this week, that is working really well.  I also some Toasted Hazelnuts in Honey to go with the other nuts have prepared this way i.e., Almonds, and Pecans. I shall carry on adding bottles of these very useful preserves.

Now for an overall update.

The wines are doing well and still working quite quickly so it is going to be a little while yet before the next stages.  I am hoping to get a couple of gallons of Ginger wine made this week.  I am quite partial to Ginger wine although that will not be ready this year however it will be kept for next Christmas.  I am keen to make more wines.

I bought some reduced Lemons the other day (a basket for £1 where I think there were 12 Lemons).  I had seen an article from my friend Tracy @oursmallholdingadventure  the link is on this post Fermented Lemon Slices in Honey  Tracy intended to use hers in relation to cold control during the winter months, which mine will also be for.  However, I am keen to start having Cider vinegar with honey of a morning again in a tumbler of warm water and thought that this might be a good addition to this and also help me with the arthritis a bit. If nothing else, it might make things taste a little better!  I must say that this preserve smells wonderful, and it is not fermented yet.  I intend to make a few more jars though, as it will also be very useful for teas and the like as well as in cooking.  I have only made the one jar so far as they do not have the honey I have been using at the local shop and they are not sure when the next delivery will be in.  Will have to keep checking on that.

I have also prepped up the Vin d'Orange for use at Christmas.  I will make more come new Seville Orange season at the beginning of next year.  Traditionally it is made from Seville Oranges but you can make with ordinary sweet oranges, which is what I have done for this Christmas.  I will have to get some Vodka for the final phase of this though.

Today I have managed to add a few more items to the Pantry.  We were running low on tea and needed to replenish.  I prefer the Twinings Breakfast tea when I can get hold of it and tend to wait for when it is on offer.  It was on offer today @ £3 a box of 100.  We had looked at the Yorkshire Tea which we do not mind either and that was about £6.75 a box.  It worked out cheaper to buy the Twinings as I ended up with two boxes for £6.  OH does not like strong tea, and I find that this particular blend can be made really weak or a lot stronger.  They happily came home with us.  Will look again later in the week and probably get a couple of more boxes to keep on hand.  I do like a good cup of tea.

I also located some dried Noodles and put two packs in the basket.  I then found some reduced Noodles for £1 a pack.  Four packs of Noodles therefore came home with us.  I use these a lot in homemade stir fries, soups and sweet and sour dishes.  They are all dried and will go to help pad a meal out a little bit more.

I have also stocked up on a selection of vegetables for the week.  I have bought Squash, Sweet Potato, Cabbage, Broccoli, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Green Beans, Kale, cherry tomatoes, celery, Eating apples two £1 bowls, some Small Tangerines (one bowl) and some large Oranges (one bowl).  These are to go with the Cauliflower, petit-pois, Cauliflower and Cabbage, carrots and red Peppers bought over the weekend. Also bought were some Strawberries (pudding x 2 for two meals) to be served simply with some cream.  I also bought some Raspberries as I love these fresh on my cereal of a morning (whatever that might be).  I just add a few when I have them.  They are good for you in any event.

Today we have also been to the Butchers.  That was a bit ouch, but we do have some very good eating as a result, and I do try and stretch it out a bit.

Today we bought two packs of Pigs Liver for a Liver and Onion casserole later on in the week. Chicken thighs two packs of three (these are quite sizeable, and on the bone), two Barnsley Lamb chops, two Rib Eye steaks, 1 kilo of Sage sausage (I get other hot meals out of these as well as OH having some for his breakfast), 1/2 kilo short back bacon, two Gammon steaks, 1 kilo of Stewing steak, some Black Bomber cheese, wholemeal buns, and a Cheese and Pickle Pork pie.  I still have some Beef skirt and some mince to use up.  Planned is a Cottage pie, a Beef skirt and Onion pie with lots of gravy (or pasties) and also a Beef Skirt stew.   We ended up going earlier to the Butcher than intended; we had planned on going on Friday of this week, so still had a few meals left to use up since our last outing to them.  We do not have meat every night as I try and mix things up a bit and make it go as far as I can.  Tonight, we had Pork and Pickle pie, a wedge of cheese and some bread and butter.  

However, I do intend to get some more flavoursome Cheddar cheese later in the week to make some Quiches and for general eating.  I will also keep an eye out for other veggies as well.  I particularly like root vegetables as they are particularly versatile.  There is an ulterior motive here as I want to make a batch of Pam Corbin's Souper mix for the winter months; this is a mixed vegetable salted stock mix which helps give more flavour to soups and gravies.  You can also drink it on its own with some boiling water added.  When I get to make this will need some Fennel also.  I also need to get Shallots and Pickling Onions for pickling.  I am a bit late with these this season.  Will get there eventually.

Catch you later in the week.




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