Just a little post tonight.

 I have decided to try and have at least one night off the Blog per week in order that I can deal with stuff that is often piling up in the background.  Think that this is going to be a day as needed and not any set day in the bigger scheme of things as we will all appreciate that real life does tend to overtake things quite quickly and fundamentally changes what had been planned.

I have been driving myself to distraction today.  I have new Hex Bottles - can I find them - not at all. Who loses bottles!  A project I have to do (fortunately it has not been started) needs them.  I also need them to decant other things into and get them squirrelled safely away.  I have some items that I have been collating together to deal with and some posts in relation to them, so I hope I find the bottles soon.

Today I have had a labelling session on some of the recent preserves.  This has involved me writing labels for 20 jars.  Seven of them for the Crab Apple and Sloe jelly and the 12 + 1 jars of Piccalilli.  A job well done and out of the way with.  As they say one job creates another and now, I have to find space in the Pantry for them. 😎 Easier said than done.

I did too much last week.  I am now paying the price in that I am a bit tired.  I also have a lot of discomfort in my arm at the moment.  Done something to it not quite sure what.  I when I have any arthritic symptoms tend to use an herbal spray called Bio Freeze. It goes on cold and then warms up muscles and joints. It is made from what I understand is herbal based. Not unpleasant aroma and it smells ten times better than Deep Heat.  It helps me get by when I have back or as I say arthritic problems as it relaxes the muscles surrounding the injured area.  A lot of pain is caused by muscles tightening and this I have found helps loads.  It is not a cure all, but it helps you do everyday things which let's face it everyone needs to do. Need to get out walking a bit more to help loosen everything off.

I have spent a little time today in sorting some other stuff out.  No doubt tomorrow will be a similar sort of day, but at least stuff is getting sorted and organised and I know where it is.  I have rearranged some of my jars on one of the Dressers, and I am sorting out bits and bobs to decorate the Dressers later in the week, and also sorting out some previous bits and bobs I had gathered for Christmas decorating and present decorating.  I want to get them all together in a craft box so that I am not hunting here and there for all the items.  

An item I intend to use on the Dressers either for Yule or Christmas decorating I realise goes with a fruit bowl I have, so I may well join them together.  As I have mentioned before I do not necessarily intend to buy any decorations this year, but that does not mean I am not going to make any.  I love Christmas.  It allows the big kid inside to escape for a while.

Christmas has always been special, and a lot always made of it by my family and especially for children. My Dad and my Granddad (Pop) were born storytellers.  Much was made of whether we were on the "Naughty" or "Nice" List and one occasion Dad threw his voice and started speaking to us making out that it was Santa Claus having a conversation with us.  Whenever there was a thunderstorm, we were always told "It was Santa Claus turning his toys over that we were to be really good and do what was asked of us during those times.  It was only later that we found out that Mum was terrified of thunderstorms and did not want to pass on the fear to us.  She failed miserably with me, but it was one of those memories that made childhood special and there were a lot of those. Then there were always games and the children put on entertainment for the adults. Bit of dancing, bit of poetry, ballet, magic tricks, singing etc. I remember when really small Dad used to play Piano and we all used to sing along in a tiny cottage with roaring fires in each room this was at my Nan's.  I don't think my baby brother was around then and I think it was before they had the dining room and the front room joined together.  Previous to that you had to go out into the hall to get into the front room (they had a small wall knocked through straight into the front room from the dining room).  The family always used to be together then.  Happy days and happy memories.

I also when the weather is a bit easier want to get out foraging bits and bobs again on the decorating front. It has been really wet weather - drier today but not good for foraging so will see how things go.  Will get there one way or another.

Right am off to make a cuppa.

Catch you soon.




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