
 After a busy day yesterday, pottering sorting different items out, and safe in the knowledge that tea was already cooked from yesterday i.e., a repeat of the Beef stew, I then set too and made a traditional old fashioned apple crumble with the Howgate Wonder apples. You need no sugar in the apple mixture with these apples at all.  The crumble mix itself has a little sugar in it, but not the sauce bit. It has been a long while since I made a proper apple crumble, have made other versions but not an apple one.  I was therefore very much looking forward to this aspect of my tea.

Pudding came up very nicely in the end and was absolutely delicious.  

Pudding could be putting in more of an appearance round here during these winter months we are both enjoying them.

Yet again, we have pudding for tonight's tea, although we are having roast chicken for tea tonight in any event with veggies.  Very much looking forward to that. There is still at least another three meals left of the stew but have popped that into a jar and placed in the fridge for another day or a meal/snack during the day. We are finding that with introducing the porridge breakfast again, we are not picking or looking to pick at bits and bobs in-between meals which is a positive thing as far as I am concerned.  It also warms you up first thing and sets you up for the day.

I had planned on doing some more work in the kitchen last night, but after tea felt cream crackered and very off colour (I had one of my fatigue attacks) and ended up falling asleep and so did not make it downstairs to do what I had planned. I have slept reasonably well though and feel a bit brighter today.   I do not hurt as much.  I put a lot of that down to the fact that for the first time in three to four days we have no rain, and the sun has put in a bit of an appearance.  It is still cold though.  Will try and get on with what I had planned to do yesterday today.  At least I feel a bit brighter than I did.

Right upwards and onwards.

Catch you later.




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