Cold Cuts, Sausage Rolls and Cheese and Bacon Turnovers

Another quiet day.  This time I did venture into the kitchen though to sort out what meat was left on the cold cuts front.  I put together a platter for tea this evening as well in order that we could accompany the cold meats with home made chutneys, ketchup, piccalilli and pickled shallots, bread and butter, cheese, Stilton, apples and oranges.

I also set too and made some sausage rolls and some cheese and bacon turnovers (not sure what you call them but they are very tasty).  I served these warm alongside the meat platter and condiments.  They went down very nicely and we have plenty for tomorrow as well.

The Sausage rolls, and the Cheese and Bacon Turnovers/Parcels/Envelopes whatever you want to call them are very easy to make.

Basically for the Bacon and Cheese "Wotsits", you cut squares of pastry smear some mustard on the pastry underneath where you are going to to place a lump of cheese, add cheese and I then split a rasher of smoked bacon in half and put one piece in one packet and the leftover piece in another. Opposite corners are then drawn to the middle and then wetted placing one on top of the other to seal and keep them together.

Sausage rolls are basically  2 1/2 long strips of puff pastry about 2 1/2 inch to 3 inches wide.  Filled with sausage meat that has had added some mixed herbs or sage.  I usually form a long sausage and then press down on the pastry leaving about an inch spare to fold the pastry down, wetting it with some water and then pressing down with a fork.  Cut to the size required and then cut two diagonal marks on each sausage roll.  Cover with milk or egg wash and then cook at Gas Mark 6 for about 15 to 20 minutes.

I managed to obtain 8 of the Cheese and Bacon "Wotsits" and 16 Sausage rolls out of one double pack of frozen puff pastry, a tiny bit of cheese and about four rashers of streaky smoked bacon.  You can also use cheese and onion, cheese and chutney and various other options on the savoury side.  You of course also have the option of turning them into sweet pastries as well i.e. Palmier, Cinnamon swirls, Mincemeat Swirls, Milles-feuilles filled with buttercream, fresh whipped cream, some homemade jam and finished off with icing or icing sugar.

After they were made and before they went into the oven:

Once they had been cooked:

Must say that they were very tasty and more to be had tomorrow.

Will probably make some cake on Saturday if I get the chance.  I have some preserving to do yet in any event and that unfortunately will take precedence over cake until it is finished.

Hope you are all keeping safe.  Been terribly windy here today with loads of rain.  Hopefully the weather will settle a bit soon. 

Just take it steady wherever you may be.

Catch you soon.




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