Sunny and Cold

It has been sunny for a change today.  The Sun always cheers me up and lightens everything up.  I think that is why I like Cornwall so much as the light is so pure down there, which gives greater clarity on everything for me at least.  Puts a different complexion on everything.

Today I have been working hard, but everything just seems to take forever despite all the effort going in.  Perhaps I am just too impatient - perhaps because I have a lot of living to do and yet I feel as if everything has been slowed down and for one reason or another I am not able to do certain things.  However, one must be very grateful for what one has my reality is someone else's Utopia.  I am not moaning just super impatient.  I think some of that is down to the fact that I am not feeling 100% at the moment.  Cannot put my finger on it, but certainly not firing on all pistons and for a change I have been resting up.  It will sort, everything comes out in the wash eventually.

I was having a look at one of the Christmas presents from Step-Daughter to OH which is a small cheesemaking kit which gives you the option of making Mozzarella, Ricotta, Halloumi, Soft Goats Cheese and Feta.  Quite a nice little kit that also has its own Thermometer, a Rennet Tablet (not sure about this I think that there are alternatives that can be used instead of; more research needed), plenty of fine gauge muslin (always handy in a kitchen), citric acid, fine salt and an Instruction leaflet.  All you have to provide is the milk.  Kit will apparently make up to 2kg of cheese overall.  I therefore may well be having a look at this later on in the week.  Cheese is one of the other things I would like to get to grips with.  I might have a go at the Feta first as this is a cheese that we use a lot especially around the Christmas period, but also throughout the year.  I tend to store it in the fridge in a jar with the Feta being chopped in cubes, and stored in a herbed spiced oil with herbs and chilli and other flavourings still in the oil.  OH loves Feta.  We also use the oil that is leftover as a salad dressing.  Nothing goes to waste.

Will try this later on in the week and see how we get on.  I do have a similar kit in any event inhouse which I also need to get going with in any event.

Tea tonight was supposed to be a full English Roast Chicken with all the trimmings.  However, I have been stuck in cleaning and so that has been postponed until tomorrow night.  We are now having egg, chips and beans.  I was looking forward to the roast as well!

After all the heavy eating of Christmas we have been having scratch meals (after the cold cuts ran out).  We eat pretty well in any event and as long as we have eaten that is all that matters.  Tomorrow night therefore we will be having a proper hot meal.  I shall as usual prep for a good two meals.  Not quite sure what veg am going to use yet. I do have Celeriac, Cabbage, Carrots, onions, potatoes, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower.  Will therefore be from this selection or of what else I can find squirrelled away in the fridge.

Catch you later.




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