Fresh Food Stock up

During the past couple of days we have been stocking up on the run of the mill provisions that we use day in day out.

We have two half sacks of potatoes, one a red variety good for everyday cooking and a white version which is good for chips.  I still have onions although I have nearly gone through one net, so may well get another one in any event, as I use a lot of onions in my cooking.

Also bought were Leeks, carrots, a Brussel Sprout stem, two cabbages.  I still need to get other veg, but this is a good starter selection.  I keep a lot of veg inhouse as it is a staple for most meals.  I will need a bigger selection of veggies for Tuesday night's tea as I am planning on a stir fry as it has been a while since we had one.

Cheese has been bought including some Stilton, and I have some cheddar for general cooking as well.  It looks as though we will be having a repeat of soup i.e. Stilton and Broccoli soup sometime this week as well as some French Onion soup as well.  I quite like Carrot and Coriander soup (although I do not like coriander leaves - cannot stand them) so that could be on the cards as well.  

A full tray of eggs has also been bought.  As I am doing more cooking these days I am actually using more eggs than I was doing; we are also eating them in their own right too.  It is also pancake day (Shrove Tuesday) this coming Tuesday so I am hoping to indulge in a naughty pancake or two with some Black cherries and cream.  I like these for a treat but my favourite pancakes are orange, lemon or Blueberry pancakes with a sprinkling of sugar

OH also went to our local bakery, and bought some crusty buns (we had one with our tea this evening).  Once they are used up I will make another batch of buns for eating at midday lunch during the early part of the week.  Also nice with soup.

I do need some fresh herbs, more milk, cream, pistachios, walnuts.  I also fancy some kipper fillets with a poached egg and fresh melon for pudding one evening.  Does not appeal to himself, but I took a fancy to it during the week.  A little pot of natural yogurt is also needed for a new batch of homemade yogurt.  I have some baking to do and this is required in a couple of the recipes. I also fancy some Goat's cheese.  I have quite a bit of honey in the Pantry, and intend to serve the cheese with some nuts and a drizzle of honey.  One of my favourite ways.  I also fancy a Camembert baked in the oven with garlic and then having Crudites and breadsticks to dip into the gooey molten cheese. Bread flour is also required as is sugar. Also need to top up on washing powder, stain remover and also fabric conditioner.  Hopefully will get to the shop tomorrow to get this.  I tend to buy this in bulk and it usually lasts me a good 2 1/2 to 3 months on the soap powder; sometimes run out of the conditioner and stain remover before then.  I take the view though, yes I may be untidy, but everything has to be clean.

Today has been a good day weather-wise with the Sun being out for most of the day.  I have checked on the forecast for tomorrow and it looks for Peterborough at least as though it is going to be another nice day tomorrow.  That means I can get the washing out on the line. Hurrah!  Nothing better than washing that has been hung out in the fresh air. I have quite a bit to do tomorrow as I have had a turf out on one or two things.  

My hospital Ultrasound went well this morning. All done and dusted within 10 minutes and the ladies who dealt with me were lovely. Apparently, I have lots of wear and tear on my arm.  It does not help that I am right handed (dominant hand/arm)  Will hear from the Consultant shortly as to treatment plan!  What that involves I do not know at the moment.  All will be revealed in due course.

I had technology issues yesterday with the computer keyboard.  It was giving me every variation of letters and numbers apart from the ones I wanted.  It has been looked at and has been sorted and despite a few initial problems now seems to have settled itself.  I am relatively fast at typing but it was like one letter at a time.  I find it harder to type slowly more than anything else and for me it is like having teeth pulled!  I think that is why I do not get on too well with a phone keyboard! 

We have had a roast chicken with a bit of veg tonight for tea. Mashed potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, carrots and Broccoli. I was really not in the mood for cooking today, so it is what it is. I think I am allowed some time off here and there. 

I have a lot of other stuff to do in the house in any event so I hope this brighter and warmer weather holds out so that I can get on a bit.  I always feel livelier when the weather is nicer and it is a bit lighter to do things.  I have lots to do and so little time to do it as usual!

Catch you soon.




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