Preparation Work behind the scenes and Crafting Part 4 Thursday 30 March 2023

I had intended to update on my jumper much sooner than this, but real life and lack of progress have slightly got in the way of achieving this; but there we are it is what it is!

Thursday 9th March 2023

Managed to get an awful lot more done on the knitting front.  I sat in the afternoon as I was not firing on all pistons and managed to accomplish quite a bit.  Very pleased with being able to do this, as sometimes it can be hit and miss for me to sit down every night, and if I do whether I am up to doing some actual knitting.  I am trying though as I want these jobs out of the way with.  There are new things I want to do, but not before these things are out of the way with. Where the needle is, is where I have knitted from.

Nevertheless, I am pretty pleased with the way this is working up and the progress being made.

Friday 10th March 2023

Not in the mood or capable on Friday night to sit and do some knitting as my shoulder was playing up particularly badly. So just watched some You Tube videos instead.

Saturday 11th March 2023

Did a little more work.  Am managing to get on fairly quickly although not as quickly as last week.  Forgot to take a photo.  Tonight have worked from the purple line with the needle.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Knitted quite a bit again.  Will keep plugging away at it.

Since then, I have not been able to settle to knit for long because of my arm.  I am nursing things gently, just doing a few rows here and there, and this is where I am up to on the front of the jumper.  Still a little bit more to do and then once tis is out of the way will knit the sleeves which may be a little quicker to knit.  It is working up well in any event. I do want it to turn out as good as I can which is another reason I am doing this slowly.  My tension seems relatively consistent which I am content with.  Sometimes a slower pace of doing things results in a calmer state of mind and a better product.  I have always been an all or nothing kind of personality, and tend to do far too much instead of being in the moment.  Therefore, slowing down and learning moderation is extremely difficult for me at times.  However, a "slower life" does appeal to me and is something that I am striving for.

Sometimes things do not go to plan.  This morning for instance I have had to have the hot water bottle on my arm to try and relax the muscles a bit as they were "pinching".  Having to wait for a physio appointment which may take a few weeks, so trying to do what I can in the interim to keep myself as comfy as possible and as mobile as possible.

Catch you soon.




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