Assessing the situation and a new Gadget

I have been assessing the situation in the garden.  I ventured into the top jungle and have found the second greenhouse.  Phew.   I have also located my Dad's old fork which needs a new shaft and my mum's which also needs a new shaft.  I do have my new one though. However I have a lot of work to achieve in getting this garden straight so that I can get the greenhouses up and my plants transferred into them.  More to do than I envisaged, quite honestly I have my hands full, but the sooner I can get stuck in the better. I am not afraid of hard work, it is just I am a lot slower these days and with my arm there are some things that I cannot do easily.  I am still having a go mind you. Loads of brambles and rubbish to clear.  Think if weather holds himself will be going down to the tip this week so that I can move and organise things a bit better.  There are quite a lot of bags to get rid of.

Today has been a day for getting washing dry, mostly vintage linens.  They now smell lovely gorgeous and clean. Love the smell of fresh laundry it is akin to fresh bread.  I just now have to set too, to iron the lot.

I am running out of room in the house with the seeds I have planted.  Plus point is I now have fourteen Roma seedlings which have taken and I think there are going to be a few more yet.  The Ghost Chilli is coming along nicely and is now up to its second set of leaves.

Cucumbers are beginning to show, have two that have set,  I am still waiting on a lot of other things, but some of those can take up to 21 days to set.  I am going to put some plants on the top of my dehydrator which is on top of the dishwasher which is on top of the washing machine.  Just to get them off worktops.  Told you I had a small kitchen!  There are a couple of trays in the kitchen windowsill, and two polystyrene boxes full of seeds.  There are also another two trays of mostly herbs of different descriptions, Dwarf French Beans and Sweet Peas. There are also yellow courgettes and yellow pear tomatoes.  Nothing showing on them yet. I have also set Aubergine and Asparagus from seed.  Will not be ready for three years (Asparagus) but am going to have a go at it. Also have Globe Artichokes on the go and some climbing beans (Scarlet Emperor) the variety that my Dad used to sow more often than not as well.

Loads more to get in.  Have been collecting loo roll cardboard inners for setting my Sweetcorn and nearly have enough for that.  If everything takes, then if any left will be able to give to my S daughter or friends if they want them.  I just love growing seeds from scratch.  Will have to go and get some more seed trays from the shelf down the garden.

Found on my wander down the garden loads of new Rhubarb so some for Gin and some for syrup if I can locate my small flask bottles which will be easily processed and maybe some for crumble for pudding tomorrow. We are having roast chicken for dinner tomorrow and therefore Rhubarb crumble with homemade custard should go down a treat for afters.  I want to do some baking but I have to recover the kitchen before I start on that. However a batch of baking of some sort will be done during this coming week. I am getting the munchies for something sweet.

Weather has not been too bad today, although rain is forecast for later on. Even though it has been fair there is a bit of a nip in the air and my fingers have been starting to tingle as though going into a full Raynaud's episode.  So I came in for a cuppa coffee to warm my mitts up. It is also forecast for tomorrow and I am hoping that we will not get much so that I can nip out and get stuck in, in-between showers on finishing off the Herb bed and also start the weeding in the next area of the garden.

Plants in the Herb garden which were there i.e. the Woodruff, Black Peppermint and my two Ivy hanging planters seem to be doing well.  Even the grape vine is budding.  OH gave it a haircut and he cut it back hard at the wrong time, so whether we will get any fruit this year remains to be seen but these things happen.

The other day I  bought a new gadget. I had a hand Mouli-grater for some 40 years and it broke recently.  I had been looking out for a replacement and saw one advertised on Instagram.  This version is a hand cranked one as well, but will sit on a worktop with a suction base.  There is a handle, two different sized graters standard and fine and a vegetable slicer and also a pusher. It will also grate Nuts very finely. 

Not an advert just from my own experience.  Link is here on Instagram:

Manual Grater

As we are having a full cooked meal tomorrow night and had a cooked brekkie this morning, it was decided that we would have a nice light tea, i.e., some cheese and onion sarnies. The cheese is grated finely with the fine grater and then a small onion is also grated on top of the cheese and then mixed through with a fork to combine the ingredients. This is to get an even distribution of the onion with the cheese so that you do not have one particular hotspot in the filling. 

I decided because of the vegetable slicer to also have a go at some homemade crisps as well.  Was very pleased with the new gadget, and also with what it produced.  The potato crisps were finely sliced (three small potatoes); I had thought that maybe the slicer would be too thick but it is just right.  The potato crisps were then deep fried. They were done very quickly and were then salted with some of my Himalayan pink salt (fine).I used a proper deep fat fryer but I see no reason why this cannot be achieved with an air fryer. This was then followed by some fruit and cream.  Nice and simple being as we are having a full roast for tomorrow. It went down very nicely and made a nice change.  Must say that the crisps went down a treat.


In the Fryer

Were sprinkled with Pink Himalayan (fine) salt after being drained on kitchen tissue.

They came up Crunchy and light. Have to watch carefully though as they can get too brown before being fully cooked.

All served up ready to eat.

Just a quick peek under the lid.  There is a fair bit of cheese and onion in there.  The crisps were the finishing touch though.  OH swiftly ate quite a few.  It would appear that he liked them and that they will be putting in further appearances with a quick tea like this.  Do not take much to do.

Must say went down very nicely with a hot mug of tea and then pudding for afters.

Needless to say I am pleased with the hand-grater slicer.  This will be very much used in my kitchen; best bit no electric.

Have a good evening.

Catch you soon.




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