
I have been able to spend the best part of the day out in the garden, working on trying to tame the garden.  I have found the greenhouse frame and removed all the pots from within it and culled the brambles in it and been nabbed; the thorns getting everywhere.  Will need to slap some antiseptic on to make sure no nasties. 

I have also had another extensive culling of brambles on the other side where the Buddleia is situated and I have managed to strip a lot more out of that.  There are about three main branches that OH will have to deal with as well as the root ball (Buddleia).  Everything I have dragged out has been cut into small pieces in order that it will go into bin liners in readiness for the tip.  Long boring work but I am methodical about it, getting it sorted and tidying each area as I go.  I have also located my water barrel.  As a consequence the shed base is littered with loads of rubbish which I will also have to attend to.  Most of it is to go to the tip but there is also an awful lot of other stuff that needs sorting.

I have had a Robin with me again this afternoon.  I think he was grateful that I had cleared the soil where there were lots of worms and insects.  Think he is feeding as he kept going off and coming back with a mouthful of food and then popping back again. Does not seem afraid.

I shall continue on in the week, weather permitting on dealing with the garden.  Concentrating on this rather than anything else as that way I can get things done and organised more quickly from concentrated effort broken down into segments.  It is hard work but it will be good to reclaim my garden (for me) as I love a proper garden.  Generally it is me that deals with it in any event.

I also have a lot of tray cleaning and re-organisation of my plant pot storage to clean up as well.  I plan on chipping away at this of an evening when it is darker and shadows are starting to fall down the bottom of the garden in order that the plant pots are all ready to go.  I have Courgettes and Tomatoes to pot on probably tomorrow.  I also have my very large greenhouse trays to clean up and loads of large pots.  I shall soon get them filled.

I shall do a few posts on the garden once I have it cleared and the Greenhouses filled then you can see what I have been dealing with.  

There will of course be household tasks to achieve as well.  Today I have managed to get some washing done as well and hopefully tomorrow will be able to get more done.  I also need to attend to other household tasks, yet again breaking these down piece-meal.  If it rains then it will be household tasks.  I intend to make the most of any better weather we have.

Must say that it has been quiet working away in the garden with my own thoughts and nature all around.  Very peaceful and I have been warm enough for a change without being muffled up with thick jumpers.

Mischief and Missy seem to be getting used to each other.  Mischief just has a need to be around people at the moment.  She is making herself comfortable either with me or if I am not around himself.  She is a proper lap cat.  Molly is buried down near the greenhouse frame under what would have been the spread of the old Cherry tree where all my cats are buried.  We have popped a slab on top to stop any excavations.  We have had this happen before - we think that a Fox was guilty.  At one time a Fox used to use our little old shed for sunbathing on!

I hope the weather is good again tomorrow so that I can get stuck in again.

Right am off to tidy up a bit.

Have a lovely evening wherever you are.

Catch you soon.




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