Catch up on Friday Evening

Ooohps I forgot to post this!

After I had "sat down" for the day, (I cannot just sit and do nothing) I liberated some of my old gardening magazines to have a look through them to see if anything will be of use to me for the foreseeable.  I have not been able to afford the more updated ones, but hold firm in the belief that  a lot of the information needed to garden is usually available from publication to publication. It is times and fashion that change but not essentially the basic information needed.  I have bought on and off for years the Kitchen Garden Magazine and Grow Your Own Magazines, so they are being put to work.  Everything has to earn its place here.  

As we are not off to Cornwall at the moment I am trying to make the most of my time at home and with what I have available to me.  I tend to buy seeds that interest me when I see them or get freebies from magazines.  I usually end up with more than I need, but I also keep seeds (apart from F1s) beyond their use by date and have found that they still do grow.  I believe in giving things a chance.  If they come through then it is a win-win, but equally if they do not germinate then I will usually get rid of that packet of seeds.  Everything deserves a chance though and I am being "penny-pinching" about things generally.

I also had kept some seeds back last year from a bought pumpkin which I intend to set over the next few days.  They are viable as I managed to without realising it drop some seeds on the floor which had got a little wet and they sprouted.  So fingers crossed they do this when I actually plant them.

I had also kept the core of a red pepper back, and have saved the seeds to also see if these will grow.

Only simple things, but it is trying to use everything that surrounds you.  You do not have to spend money all the time but you do have to give a bit of time to any project you might start.

As part of my recycling efforts I have also set a couple of split trays (recycled ones) with Mustard and Cress.  We particularly like this with home made Egg Mayonnaise or egg and salad cream sandwich spread but it is also lovely as part of a salad.

I also intend to get some salad stuff such as mixed leaves, lettuces. spring onions, radishes, beetroot etc on the go as well.  I have some empty planters (a lot of which are going to be used for Courgettes) and also intend to plant up other things as well. Once I have cleared enough some of the actual garden as well.

The garden will be what it is this year.  I am not expecting  miracles just a little fresh eating and a little preserving.  Hopefully will be able to get veggies going for eating in the winter months.

I also located a tray of missing seeds.  I found my Borage, Chervil, Lovage, Marigold, Summer Savoury and Asparagus seeds. There are a load of other seeds as well.  There are still a substantial amount missing including my Angelica, Winter Savoury, Anise, Marjoram, different types of Sorrel, Wild Strawberries and some seeds for growing some fruit trees from scratch etc.  Safe somewhere no doubt - it is just the where they are bit which is a bit confounding at the moment.  I think I popped them into a folder but have not been able to locate it yet.

I used to have Wild Strawberries in the Herb bed, but lost them all so it would be nice to get some on the go again and back into production.  The fruits are ideal to pop into ice cubes and have with celebration drinks including Pimms and a real treat at Christmas.

Plant wise, I am looking for some Lemon Verbena.  I lost mine last year.  A friend had bought me it quite a few years ago.  I am also after French Tarragon (the best in my view for culinary use), Sage, (ordinary plain, and Red as well as the variegated which I particularly like. Pineapple Mint, Chocolate Mint, Strawberry Mint, Apple Mint. I am also after some Corsican Mint, Spearmint, Penny Royal, Lavender, English and French, Hyssop.  I am concentrating on food at the moment, but one day I would like to delve into herbs for medicinal  use as well.

Catch you soon.




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