Getting organised

Well the good sort out is paying dividends. I have had a couple of UFOs stuck, due to the lack of pattern.  Now I had saved the pattern, as I had had a previous sort out and located it, trouble was it was not with the garments I had started knitting.  I am speaking about a couple of neck shawls I started knitting some time ago, both are the same pattern just different wools.  So very happy to have found the pattern (which is now with the knitting) so I can recommence this, finish off and then get the fringing done and that will be two neck shawls done and dusted, and into the wardrobe in readiness to be worn.

I had previously sorted out each project into a bag of its own with all the bits needed to finish it and make it up; therefore half of what was needed was done.  Just now need to complete them.  That is my mission for this coming week.  Then I can move on to the next UFO!  I think this will be the scarf, hat and mittens set which needs completing.  Something that is not too complicated and should knit up reasonably quickly.

I have a lot more to do today in the bedroom, but it is coming along well and will be a job well done.  My energy level is good at the moment, so I am getting on whilst I feel like this.  I think the sunnier warmer weather helps with that.

I have also found a load of paperwork that needs sorting as well, so that will also need to be dealt with.

Another project for next week will be getting the winter bedding put away, and the lighter summer bedding sorted out. As I feel the cold so much I tend to have a few blankets as well as a quilt to hand, but as it is so warm, and I am actually very warm at the moment, I think it is time for that to be sorted out as well; it all needs washing up and then putting away in readiness for next time.

Sometimes things take longer than expected and this is one of those jobs.  I would rather be thorough though and get things how I want them even if it takes me longer than what I had anticipated.

Mischief seems to have settled well after the passing of her Mum Molly.  She was looking around for her a bit, but now it is down to Missy and her getting to know each other a little better and learning boundaries.  She seems to be content with the new routine, seems very chilled and laid back but does insist on sleeping cuddled up next to me or indeed on me!  She is a bit of a heavyweight so at some point I do have to shift her!

Think these photos speak for themselves!

Very much spoilt!

Well have a lot to do today to get this room wound up and finished with.  No doubt I will have Management keeping an eye on me.

Catch you later on.




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