Sunday Potterings

Very hot night last night - we had to have the fan on until the early hours for the animals as well as ourselves.  I tend to have disturbed sleep these days in any event often waking  up around 2:30 to 3:00am and then around 5:00am or 6:00am.  Hot weather I tend to sleep less in.  It is very muggy again today although we do have a nice breeze.

This morning started with OH deciding to tackle the front privet hedge.  Unfortunately even before my arm became dodgy I just cannot wield the hedge trimmer; I think someone would get hurt if I did!  Probably me!  Mission partially accomplished until his charger ran out.  I then went out to set about clearing up the mess he had left behind. I managed to get all the foliage up and into bags, and also give the front a good sweep up for what was there.  Also weeded out and trimmed under the hedge, swept in front of the house and the passage.  So have been out into the fresh air for a change. This is stage one completed.  At least now the Postman will be able to get down the path to the Letter Box! I then came in for a well deserved mug of tea and a sit down before I go out again.

G has to go back to finish cutting the Privet and also set about the Cotoneaster bush in the front garden which is also getting unruly.  So I will have to go out and see to that once he has dealt with it.

The Holly also needs topping.  The rest of the garden needs to be tidy to do that and certainly no rubbish bags in there for this to happen.  However, there are a heck of a lot of berries on the Holly bush for the coming winter already so I think it might be another cold one.  This job has been long overdue for a while and is something that yet again I cannot do; I can help with the clear up though.  I am hoping he decides to tackle it later on in the week as it really does need doing.

We still have not been to the tip; I think that might be happening on Monday or Tuesday as I am getting fed up with it being there. I cannot drive for medical reasons; the Dr has put his foot down point blank which I can understand, but that scuppers my ability to get around under my own steam and prevents me from doing things that I would like to do.  I am pretty independent or as independent as I can be, but on things like this I am reliant on others.  Needless to say I go to the tip as well and sling all the rubbish into the skips as well.

Once the rubbish has gone I can then set about removing dead leaves from the gravel and checking to see if it needs more gravel adding. The windows  will then get a good wash down.  That should tidy everything up so that I can move and then get the next load of garden rubbish into bags and then in turn to the front garden and then the tip.   So a lot to do still.  Weather permitting I will be back into the garden for a good few days.

I am extremely stiff again with a lot of pain in my joints;  hot weather can do that to me - believe it is down to the humidity; as I have said before stick me on the wall like a Barometer and I will tell you whether it is going to be cold or wet!   It is not only the cold weather that causes issues but the warm and hot as well.  

Think am in the middle of a flare up again.  I try and work through it as working and moving around can help alleviate any pain as it jump starts the body's own healing system releasing endorphins into the blood stream.  No way I am giving up yet too much living and to many plans to bring into reality. I intend to grow "old" (whatever that is) disgracefully!

The Study/Craft room has been sorted out; just a few more things to do before it is fully finished.  I shall then set about another room in the house, co-working a different room with the garden project I have on the go.  Doing it in stages is messy but it does give me a break by doing something different even though I am juggling a couple of projects at a time.

Tea tonight has been a refreshing salad with Pork Pie, Ham, mixed salad, Frittata, Tomato and Onion Salad, cheese, bread and butter.  I only wanted a light tea with it being so warm and I have been off my food a little for the past couple of days anyway.  I have also added Salad Cream, Tomato Ketchup and homemade Peach and Chilli chutney.

Although I did enjoy my tea last night.  If this hot weather is to persist will probably have a couple of more meals like this week in any event. We have also had the first of the English Strawberries with some cream.  Has gone down very nicely and they had the quintessential English Strawberry flavour.  Indeed a seasonal treat.

We walked Missy earlier on down by the river.  It was lovely to get out.  It has been hot in the house and outside, but there is a nice breeze.  It was lovely and refreshing being in the breeze.  The sort of day that makes you feel good to be alive.

I have managed to sit for a little while this afternoon and do a bit more knitting.  Intend to sit and do a little more this evening in any event.  Not sure will get the knitting done tonight, but it will be near it and if I need a little more time to get the knitting done then so be it.

If you go to the top of the shawl, I have worked since yesterday from halfway up the Purpley-blue at the top.  Hopefully I will be as productive today as I was yesterday.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening and enjoys the Bank Holiday.

Catch you soon.




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