
 that long lovely rain showers we had yesterday and partially overnight/early morning has cooled things down very nicely.  Much needed for everyone, plant life  and the wildlife!  We have also had a lovely fresh breeze blowing as well which is also very refreshing.

Today is a pottering sort of day.  Picking up pieces getting them squirrelled away.  Hopefully will get to do a bit of baking either tonight or tomorrow/  Just something simple just as padder outers.  Will see how we get on.  If not today there is always tomorrow.  I plan on being in the kitchen and dining room to try and get sorted a bit more.  Feel as though have a bit more energy because it is cooler today.  I therefore plan in the mornings when it is a little cooler or of an evening to potter a bit in the garden.  I then plan on being in the kitchen in the afternoons for the rest of the week.  Things need to get moving and I think procrastination is ham-stringing me at the moment.  Am going to write myself a check list for the day and work through it.  I have not sat of an evening to do any crafts now for a couple of weeks.  With these longer nights I have either stayed out in the garden, or pottered downstairs doing things trying to take advantage of the light whilst we have it.  Once the kitchen and the Pantry is completely sorted I will then be able to get into a better routine with prepping and planning things as I will know what I have and will be able to plan accordingly.

I have never been very good with the heat ever since a child and it did not help that in the Sun I burned so easily and always ended up having to be covered up as invariably I would fry and end up with prickly heat rash or indeed a touch of the Sun! A side effect of being blonde and fair skinned! However these days it makes me feel lethargic as well. Just one of those things!

A new bag of spuds was bought on Saturday morning so we are stocked for a few weeks on potatoes.  If I can get any more reduced new potatoes from the Veg shop, then I will take advantage.  Make fantastic homemade fat chips as well as potato salad, just simply steamed or boiled with some mint.  Any leftovers can be used up in a Frittata or in mini-Yorkshire pudding tin Frittatas to snack on.

I have also managed to get another tray of eggs.  Good for general use and baking.  Something in the stomach.  Intend to do some bread making as well.

I do have to clean the fridge out at some point this week.  Will probably be Thursday night so that the fridge is already for the weekend.  Once that is done and dusted can set about making some puddings to leave in the fridge as well as some pre-prepared salads and eats such as Hummus and dips.  All go well with baked potatoes.  Potato salad is on the cards.  I am very fond of a Moroccan style Couscous so may well do some of that as well.  A good way of using up some leftover veggie bits and bobs apart from a stir fry or indeed Roasted veggies which we absolutely love.  Will last me a couple of days and I quite like it for snacking on.  

I am also a great fan of soup even in the Summer weather.  Good eating is all about making the most of what you have available to you.  I had a chicken carcass and therefore have made some stock.  This will feed at least a couple of soups. French onion, a chicken and vegetable soup and a potato and onion soup.  All feeds the belly and the soul and can be quite soothing.

Tea is already prepared.  We are having the second Lasagna that I made the other day, with salad and bread and butter.  If he wants anything else with it, maybe chips again, he can have them.  Might do some tinned fruit with some cream as a pudding.

I also need to write an end of month shopping list based on what I have run out of and what I fancy having a go at. Really need to start replacing the tinned goods that we use on a regular basis the cupboard is nearly bare on those items at the moment. Also items that I need in the Pantry for the winter months on the baking and dried goods side. Every few bags builds into a good stockpile.  I have been on the computer this afternoon on some of the different supermarket sites assessing the situation on prices.  Very hit and miss but Morrisons do seem to have a few bargains on buying multiples of tinned goods.  Waitrose also have some reductions on their site.  Now have to work out a list of items for monthly living and then a list for Pantry restocking.  I am of the opinion that I am going to try and stock in quite a few bits now in the summer months in readiness for the winter.  I do not think that it is ever too soon especially as having a Pantry stock means a regular turnover of items.  Half the battle is getting a neat base supply together first without touching it and then keeping it topped up.  

I am in the first instance primarily looking at tin can replacement.  If you have a good stock of tinned items inhouse you can make quite a few meals quite cheaply.  We tend to be very heavy on tomatoes and baked beans usage.  Also use a lot of tinned fruit.

Although I will not be able to squirrel away what I would like to squirrel away this year, I am going to try and do a bit where I can.  Initially I am looking at pears in syrup.  Now to source where I get the pears from.  Do not want Conference for these. Conference are ideal for pickles and chutney as they are a harder pear.  Will see what we can find.

Right am off to potter.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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