Summer Solstice and See Saw Marjorie Daw Weather


Not my photo but a beautiful one.  Credit to who took it.

Summer Solstice the longest day of the year with the longest amount of daylight hours which means the shortest night. First astronomical day of Summer, with Summer officially ending on 23 September.

The day when those who can congregate to welcome Summer in at Stonehenge.  Something that has been happening for years.  A place I have always wanted to visit but not yet been.  Maybe one day.

Solstice greetings to everyone.

I did manage to see the Dawn in this morning though as I was awake from about 3:30pm to 4:15pm before dropping off again.  Very peaceful and still as the light started to cover the sky.  Very soothing and very peaceful.

Weather has been a bit all over the place today, despite the weather forecast locally which showed a very low percentage of rain for much later in the day.

We have just had an unexpected downpour.  Local weather forecast a bit iffy.  Appreciated it is not an exact science and it is far better than it used to be.

The rain is still very welcome though.

The rest of the day;

I have been pottering about.  I am excuse the pun "Still very under the weather".  No energy again and as far as I can see no reason for this.  Not sure which auto immune condition it is kicking off, as they all have similar symptoms.  I think it is just a touch of the "fatigues"! again.  Such is life these things are sent to try us, I just get fed up of being restricted. I have never been one to do as I am told have always had to test the boundaries.  I am breathing, laughing and not really complaining and in many respects I am very lucky.  Could be far worse.

OH disappeared to do something to the car and has not reappeared.  Not sure where he is or what he has been up to.  All will be revealed in due course.  It usually is.

Off to potter.

Catch you soon.




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