
Busy Day here as intended.  G and myself were out in the garden for most of the day.  Tackling the brambles, and other "weeds".  Now have a massive pile of weeds to dry down a bit before being bagged and taken to the tip.  Probably tomorrow in reality if weather permits.

The Brambles had taken over, and we found the patio chairs and other bits and bobs as we went along, including some of my Terracotta pots.  All removed to a safe find it spot, within eyesight.  Found some of the garden tools which we had thought had lost in the fire, in the small shed so was able to rake up the weeds with the lawn rake.  Not sure where the main rake has got to. G is now suitably k.......... shattered!

Have completely weeded down the side of the patio slabs again, both sides which had become overgrown in my absence from fatigue. Today's antics mean that we are a little further on than I actually had got to before the enforced rest.

From this (it had grown back pretty quickly from where I left it before)

To this

and the other side

In the weeding process also found the Rhubarb.  Have therefore stripped the Rhubarb, leaving the younger shoots on the plant.  Looks as though this is going to have to be split.  Not sure whether to split it now or wait until the autumn.  Any suggestions please.  In any event I managed to harvest 6 1/2lbs of Rhubarb which I intend to turn into a few jars of bottled Rhubarb in syrup, some Rhubarb Butter and maybe a Crumble for G.  So it looks like an early get up tomorrow to process that before gardening.

Also made two loaves of bread today.  Used the Co-Op Extra Strong Bread flour as I could not get to Waitrose.  Seem to be very good results, although my favourite is still the Waitrose own Canadian Extra Strong Bread flour.  I do intend to vary up the different brands and different types though to see whether there are any others that I like.  It has been good to get back to the bread making again.  The rise has been pretty good on these loaves and the crumb is lovely.  We nearly went through a loaf this evening.  Rest will be used for toast in the morning.  OH has decided that he likes my homemade bread and especially for toast.

Tonight's tea was very basic.  We are having cheese and onion sarnies (our bread) followed by Strawberries and cream.  That should do nicely.  

I am peckish but not really hungry hungry (after the big tea we had last night).  We did in any event have a fry up earlier on.

Ankle is more comfortable today although still badly bruised.  Has been okayish despite the fact I have been on the kneeler weeding.  It is just starting to give me a bit of discomfort.

Tomorrow is another day.  More cutting and weeding planned although this is very dependent on the weather.

Catch you soon.




  1. If you want to split your rhubarb plant, do it in early Spring, then don't harvest for a year

  2. Thank you for that Gill, will do this. The Rhubarb will do no harm where it is at present. Might also give me chance to put a few more in as I now plan for them to be down near my greenhouses, and probably get some Asparagus crowns as well so that I have the start of a Perennial long-standing garden. Thank you once again. Tricia


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