A little bit of a Catchup etc.

Thought would give a little bit of a catch up over the past few days where I have not been hundred per cent, but today Saturday I have felt a lot better.  I have been able to get on a little bit in the kitchen which has been suffering because of the garden.  Had every intention of being in the garden but we had rain first thing so plans changed.  Needless to say this afternoon it has been bright sunshine so stayed in the kitchen and either will carry on tomorrow or go into the garden.  See what things are like.

In any event here is the catch up from the past few days.


It rained for the best part of last night, and with the window open could hear pitter patter of raindrops until it lulled me off to sleep, which was in the early hours of this morning.  I have toothache too which is not helping matters.  As a result I slept heavily and was woken at 6:00am with the dog wanting to go out, and then at 8:00am by OH who had walked her.  He came back with a handful of Wild Blackberries which were the sweetest I have had in a long time and the first of this Season. A lovely start to the day. They have gone down very nicely.  Not copious amounts yet but will start wandering the hedgerows to see what I can find to squirrel away in the Pantry/Larder. About the same time last year when they appeared.

Ideally I would like to get some Blackberry and Apple Pie filling and "Hedgepick Pie" filling squirrelled away on the Pantry shelf as well as some more Bramble jelly.  Would also like to try drying some this year for use in Muesli or ground down into powder and also fruit Leather.  I am just excited that there are wildlings around again to take advantage of and to make the most of what I can of. Playing Hubble Bubble on the kitchen stove is another one of my happy places as well as the gardening.

When not 100% or feeling low, I am happy to potter in the garden and just simply be without any intrusion and no pressure to do this or to do that.  I think this is perhaps when I am most at peace.  I used to wander a lot in the garden at my grandparents' home as it was a good 2 acres, and it was so peaceful so not disturbed and full of wildlife.  There is too much noise in the City and towns these days.  

Last year when we came back from Cornwall, after getting back to the house, all I wanted to do was turn around and go back down to Cornwall as everything seemed so loud.  It took me a good week to settle.  Since then of course have not been able to go for one reason or another.  Missing it dreadfully as so much open space, and quietness away from the tourists down there.  At the end of the day you can only do what you can do.

I could not get out in any event because of the rain and it was so wet so stayed in.  Was not 100% anyway and ended up doing a lot of research into food preservation and alternative ways of doing this.  It is a learning curve as very interested in the way that food has been preserved successfully by different countries and cultures over hundreds of years and yet because it is not in a prescribed format it is considered not safe.  However, that is very much a different subject and one of choice more than anything else.

I did go and check on the greenhouse and everything is okay.  Doing reasonably well. I also fed the plants in there.


A different kind of day again.  Was brought blackberries again for breakfast; just a handful but a lovely way to start the day.  I also went out into the greenhouse and pottered - I have quite a bit of pricking out to do tomorrow. My Basil, Parsley, two different types of Cabbage are all through. Have more Mustard and Cress to sow. 

Also started off some more of the Black Peppermint plant I have in the Herb border.  I have three stems that I have "Sacrificed" for new plants.  Just hope they take.  I want to expand the mint patch as this is absolutely beautiful for homemade mint tea.  Currently have some drying off the dresser in the dining room with a view to creating a small store for myself.  My alternate Pantry if you like.  The point of a Pantry or Pantry space/food storage is that it should be filled with those things that you like not necessarily what everyone else would stock.

Have more Rhubarb in the garden and plan on making some Rhubarb and Stem ginger jam for the Pantry shelf. That may happen during the week though. Rhubarb still firmly attached to its plant.

I am hoping to be in the garden again tomorrow continuing with the clearing up and hopefully getting the border in front of the Rhubarb dug and forked through so that I can get some carrots and Beetroot seed in, probably some Spring onions and some other bits and bobs.

We had Spaghetti Bolognese for tea and it went down an absolute treat.  The Ragu I made was full of flavour, and there is some left which is going to be turned into a small Lasagna for tomorrow night's tea.


We had rain first thing so that stopped play in the garden. I had intended to spend sometime in the garden and do a lot of pricking out. That will probably happen tomorrow now. I have instead been sorting out stuff in the kitchen or kitchen related items.

Hands have been in water quite a bit today. Have found some more preserving jars and have been engaged in washing and sorting them out, plus washing and re-storing all the jars from my own stores have used this week and some of the bought in jars.  There are quite a few but as technically it is preserving season, they will be put to good use in the weeks to come as I have quite a few new items to my repertoire to pop up on the Pantry shelf.

I had not realised just how much have been hampered with losing so much preserving equipment the other year which I have not been able to replace.  However, it could have been a lot worse.  Hopefully will be able to replace everything eventually although in the current climate I think that may be a little while.  These things are sent to try us.

Checked the greenhouse earlier on and about 8 of 24 Runner Beans are through and seem to be developing at a gallop.  Nothing there yesterday.  I popped two seeds in each pot so 12 pots.

I am off to potter.  Having a later tea tonight due to said pottering.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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