Well the Second Greenhouse

Saturday Night

 ...has now been put up by G. I cleared all the rubbish bags down in order that he could put the greenhouse up. He put it up for me last night.  Need to get the slabs down to hold it down now.  We have found in the past that the first greenhouse we put up thought it was Mary Poppins in one of the storms we had!  No Parrot umbrella handle though!  Will only be a temporary arrangement as the greenhouses will be moved in front of the glass greenhouse where the base of the big Cherry tree is the slabs will then be laid properly.  That part of the garden is riddled with Ivy and tree roots and therefore not really suitable for growing in so might as well use poor land to site something so that the good land can grow something. The greenhouses will be moved at the end of the season, and hopefully after G has managed to recover the bottom part of the garden.  He has been down there and done some chopping.  My water butt is there in any event and needs dragging through to be parked down the side of the second greenhouse although I understand it needs a new tap.  I do have a proper stand for it.

The second greenhouse has no plants in there at the moment but that will change - some of the Tomatoes are going in here.  Until compost is bought will be  unable to do much more. 

Outside of the second greenhouse I have given the pavement a good brushing and cleared it down.  There is still a stump of the Buddleia to be removed.  Next to the second greenhouse I have sorted out two long box planters with partial compost in and  topped both boxes up with the last of the compost.  I am going to grow some seeds in there as well.  Not sure what yet but will find something.  So that will tidy up down the side of the greenhouse and hopefully provide something productive food wise.  Just need more compost.

The weather hopefully will be okay tomorrow.  I am going down on to the patio slabs all being well, as I need to bag up all the brambles and weeds that were left to wilt down a bit in order to get them ready to go to the tip on Monday.  There is a lot of other rubbish there that needs sorting out as well and I am going to attempt to get it ready for Monday.  I am therefore hoping that the weather is reasonable so that I can get stuck in.


I slept relatively well last night although I ache a lot from all the lugging bags and bending down to pot stuff up etc.  However G did not.  He was up at 5:00am on his computer because he could not sleep. 

Sunday morning has been relatively light showers so far and is somewhat overcast and dull.  Hopefully things will change a bit as the day progresses

However, the main thing on the agenda for today is to try and bag as much rubbish as I can.  That visit to the tip is looming and I want shot of as much rubbish as I can so that I can see what I am actually dealing with.  There are a lot of roots that need to be removed as I keep standing on them which hurts my feet or tripping over them.  Intend to soak these with water and then get the spade in.

It has been very hot out there and I had to come in for a tea break as I was getting seriously thirsty.  Bright and hot here today after drizzle first thing.  The work is tedious and hard especially in the Sun.

I had to come in again as it was just unbearable.  That is when I decided to put tea on. We are having Lamb chops, peas, cauliflower, carrots and mashed potato.  That should do.  I was going to do a Gooseberry Crumble as well, however I think that can wait until tomorrow evening, as I need to go out in the garden again this evening.

I also have some more hoeing to do in the Herb border.  I have sterilised the two Hoe's in bleach as not used for some while just to be on the safe side.  Do not want any nasties going into the soil.  

There is also the need to sort out the Grapevine, trim it back, string it and maybe take some cuttings from it to try and get a few more plants going for other parts of the garden.  These to be planted in large tubs which I also have.  Will see how I get on with it tonight.

My Bay tree has given off some new shoots which I think will be ideal for trying to train some standard Bay trees.  I did for a few years have a couple of lovely ones outside the back door which died as well as a couple of Box. However, I cannot afford the prices they charge for them at the shops today so I thought that I would try and propagate my own.  It will be a learning curve in any event and probably a good few years of working on it.  However, nothing ventured nothing gained.  It will either go one way or another.  I saw a particularly beautiful pair of Bay trees advertised which were a good size and had a twisted trunk.  £77 each.  As I have a Bay tree in residence in the garden which throws off a lot of growth, it will be easier for me to have a go myself and the cost will be for the compost, a big pot and my time.  May not come to anything but...I certainly could not afford them at £77 each beautiful as they are.

Right, an earlier post tonight.  Must get tea cooked.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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